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5E Lesson Plan # 1


AUTHORS’ NAMES: Clancy Dunn            

TITLE OF THE LESSON: Lab: Sex under the Influence

TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one):         Yes      No

DATE OF LESSON: October 20, 2008



SOURCE OF THE LESSON: Kathy Crumpler (Lesson Planet)

TEKS ADDRESSED: (7)  Health behaviors. The student analyzes the relationship between unsafe behaviors and personal health and develops strategies to promote resiliency throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

(A)  analyze the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other substances such as physical, mental, social, and legal consequences;

(B)  explain the relationship between alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and other substances used by adolescents and the role these substances play in unsafe situations such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), unplanned pregnancies, and motor vehicle accidents;

(C)  develop strategies for preventing use of tobacco, alcohol, and other addictive substances;

(D)  analyze the importance of alternatives to drug and substance use;

(E)  analyze and apply strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and drugs;

(F)  analyze strategies for preventing and responding to deliberate and accidental injuries;

(G)  analyze the relationship between the use of refusal skills and the avoidance of unsafe situations such as sexual abstinence;

(H)  analyze the importance and benefits of abstinence as it relates to emotional health and the prevention of pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases;

(I)  analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of barrier protection and other contraceptive methods including the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), keeping in mind the effectiveness of remaining abstinent until marriage;

(J)  analyze the importance of healthy strategies that prevent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse such as date rape;

(K)  analyze the importance of abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age; and

(L)  discuss abstinence from sexual activity as the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and the sexual transmission of HIV or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and the emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity.



CONCEPT STATEMENT: To be able to understand that the choices the student makes effects his/ her body, emotions, and life.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: The student will review how HIV is and is not transmitted, explore the effects of alcohol on sexual risk-taking, and consider their own risk and plan for self protection.

RESOURCES: Lesson Planet


SUPLEMENTARY MATERIALS, HANDOUTS: colored cards, transparency of brain centers, transparency of effect of alcohol on brain function, sign, yellow caution sign, and green light sign, set of risk cards, data from YRBS on alcohol use and sex, percent remaining abstinent, current data on prevalence of STD among adolescents, chart paper, makers, and tape.




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Gain students attention by asking question that shows student schema about HVI and unprotected sex. Effects of alcohol and sex.

What is HIV? How is it spread? What are the consequences of unprotected sex? What are the effects of alcohol and the brain while making choices?

Students may not respond to my question. Students may have to many responses and incorrect responses.







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Have students start concept map.

Now that we have some information in your own words what are some of the main points of Sex under the influence?

Students may not fully understand the main points yet.







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Place colored cards on desk. One color represents the number of students who have engaged in sex. Another color is the numbers who are still abstinent, and third are those who currently are infected with a STD. Separate the class based on the color of their cards. They stand in groups. Have groups ask the other group the probing questions. Allow students to speculate. Elicit responses from each group. Tell the students what the cards represent. Ask if anyone would like to changes places, raise their hands. Allow them to change. Conclude, We can make this change now because this is just an exercise. Can you do that in real life?

What do those people have in common?

Student response “I don’t know?” After the students find out what the cards mean thay may be embarrassed about their card color.







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Tape three signs around the room: red, yellow, and green sign. Hand out card with different activities. Review the different risk activities associated with intimacy and their potential for HIV. Have students place their cards under the correct sign that goes with their card. Call on a few students to explain why their cards under the sign.

What happens to people when they consume alcohol?

Some student may not take this seriously. Some may take it too seriously.








Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Ask each student to devise a personal plan. Write down a least three strategies you will use to protect you person limits and safeguard your health.

What is important to you?

They might  make this into vulgar assignment.