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The Civil Rights Movement

Calvin Bowers & Derek Cain

Project Home
Anchor Video
Concept Map
Lesson Plans
Final Assessment
Final Product Rubric
Letter to Parents
Lehman Block Fall 08 Home

Project Calendar


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6


Introduce Class project.

Slavery L/CD

Define the institution of Slavery and its importance to the South?

Segregation in North vs. South (Emmit Till)

How was Segregation diff in the North vs. South?

Nonviolent Protesting L/CD

What are the pros and cons of non violent protesting?

Draft Outline due.

Court Cases. L/CD

What where the major court cases of the Civil Rights movement, and what where their individual importance's.

Rough Draft due. Peer editing paper swap (h work)

Group activity prepare for debate. Have we achieved true equality in social culture?

Paper due.

Test review sheets done in group.


Civil War L/CD Why did the south Succeed, States Rights vs. Slavery?

Segregation video.
Reflection Essay over video.

Militant protesting


What are the pros and cons of militant protesting

Categorizing Grid of court cases.

Return peer reviews


Review Basketball


Emancipation Proc/ Reconstruction Jigsaw.

Fathers of the movement.

L/CD What was

Booker T, Dubois, and Garvey's contribution to the civil rights movement?

Class Debate.

Which form of protesting was more effective, militant or nonviolent?

Brown vs. Board and Little Rock

What was the immediate and long term impact of the Brown decision?


6 weeks test.


Jim Crow Black Codes

Empty Outlines

The leader of the movement. L/CD

How did MLK get involved in Civil Rights and describe his relationship with SCLC?

Protest video

Visual Hist over any topic we have discussed so far.

Debate finished.

Summation of what students have learned.

Discuss why we should not judge people by race gender or creed, and the impact of this on our society today.


Remember the Titans


JC/ BC (cont)

L/CD What caused African Americans to cry for Civil Rights in regard to Jim Crow, and why did whites implement these laws?

Project  Day (Library)

Categorizing Grid, emphasis on the marches and boycotts.

Is it over, Class discussion on where race relations and social culture are today?

Paper day, in Library.

Help is emphasized on editing and bibliographic material.


Remember the Titans.


 Read Segregation section

Begin outlining paper

Work on Rough Draft

Finalizing paper

Finish paper



Read Segregation Section

Begin outlining paper

Work on Rough Draft

Finalizing paper

Finish Paper