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The Civil Rights Movement

Calvin Bowers & Derek Cain

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Styles of protest

AUTHOR: Calvin B. Bowers III

TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one):                    No

DATE OF LESSON: Wednesday Week 3

LENGTH OF LESSON: 50 minutes


SOURCE OF THE LESSON: Mr. Bowers' notes, U. S. History text


CONCEPT STATEMENT: The subject lends itself to the opportunity of debate, and the students will have to have knowledge of both sides for the debate, because I will pick the teams.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES:   SWBAT debate two styles of protesting, and evaluate the pros and cons of the styles.

RESOURCES: U. S. History text and Mr. Bowers' notes





Time: __5 minutes______

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

The Warm-up will be about militant and non violent protesting.

What are two pros and two cons of militant and non violent protesting?

Students will list responses from the last two days of lecture.  If a student had a misconception in the last two lecture class discussions that might reflect on their warm up.




Time: ____5 minutes____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will explore their answers on the warm-up.

What did you put for your warm-up exercise?

Students will give examples of what they wrote down, if anyone gives an incorrect example we will stop and discuss why their response was incorrect.




Time: ____5 minutes____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will explain the importance of indentifying with both sides of an argument, thus the purpose of the warm-up.

Do you know why we looked at both pros and cons in the warm up?

Students will most likely respond, to make sure we knew about both of them.


I will explain why it is important to know both sides of the argument, and that the information does not make one side right or wrong, it is the interpretation and explanation of it that counts. 



Time: _____15 minutes___

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will divide the class into two teams and explain how the debate will go.

The class will divide into two separate teams under my selection; each team will be assigned their stance of the debate, militant or nonviolent protesting.

Students might have misconceptions on instructions of debate format.


The teams will be given time to prepare and select two speakers per group. I will also explain that each group will state their case once, then each group will rebuttal once, with different speakers both times.

Students will go into their groups and prepare for the debate.



Time: ___20 minutes_____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will settle everyone down and begin the debate.

What was a more effective form of protest during the Civil Rights Movement, Nonviolent or Militant?

Nonviolent group will address the issues related to the success of Kings style of protest, and militant will address the success militant protest received in regard to whit supremacy organizations and racial violence.


As long as the debate format is understood their should be no misconceptions.