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Design Your Own Office Building

Connie Sargent and Ryan Kimbro

Project Home
Anchor Video
Concept Map
Lesson Plans
Final Assessment
Final Product Rubric
Letter to Parents
Lehman Block Fall 08 Home

Project Calendar









Week 1

Hand out project plans to students.

Intro to triangles:

CAT 2: Focused Listing

-basic triangle properties



Special Right Triangles



CAT 16: Concept Maps


(Roofing and Wheelchair ramps)

Pythagorean Theorem

-derive and use



(Roofing and Wheelchair ramps)

Mini Quiz over triangles.

Introduction of similarity properties of polygons.


Finish similarity properties.

Introduction to Ratios.


(Drawing to scale)

Week 2

Finish Ratios.

Mini quiz on polygons and ratios.



CAT 25: Student-Generated Test Questions

Test over triangles, similarity properties of polygons, and ratios.

Coordinate systems.

-points, lines, rays, line segments, figures


(Drawing project on graph paper)

Slopes and equations of lines

-parallel lines

-perpendicular lines

CAT 19: Problem Recognition Tasks

(Drawing project on graph paper)

Week 3

Derive and use formulas involving length, slope, and midpoint.

(Calculate these for your project and use CAT 21: Documented Problem Solutions)

Mini quiz over coordinate systems, slopes, and new formulas.

Introduction to Areas

Areas of regular polygons


(Area of building will have to meet certain requirements)

Project Day


-Start brainstorming your building, turn in ideas.

CAT 34: Interest/Knowledge/Skills Checklist

Project Day


-Start drawing your building, turn in pre-sketch

Week 4

Areas of Circles and composite figures

Hands on practice with surface areas and volumes with play-dough activity


Mini quiz over surface areas and volumes.
(CAT 8: Categorizing Grid)

Students can get into group and go over project.

Finish their project

Week 5

Finish their project/Questions for test


CAT 6: Minute Paper

In-Class Review


CAT 25: Student-Generated Test Questions

Unit Test



CAT 41: Chain Notes
