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INTS 4360 - Request for Departmental Approval Override

How this form works:

Students majoring in Integrated Studies will take INTS 4360 and INTS 4361 in their final two semesters leading to graduation, respectively.  

If you've met with a College of Education academic advisor and received confirmation that you're on track to enroll in INTS 4360 in the upcoming semester, submit this form to request the necessary departmental override.  Once granted, that override will enable you to register for the course pending seat availability. 

*A separate request form exists for students declared in the Accelerated Online Program [AOP]; if you're attempting to register for an AOP section of INTS 4360, contact the Online Student Success Office for guidance instead of submitting this form

NOTE: If you are receiving a "Closed Section" error, this means the specific section you've attempted to add is full; this form shouldn't be used to request consideration of a closed class. Instead, visit the Registration tab of the College of Education Advising Center's webpage for guidance.

Be sure to watch your Texas State email account in the days following submission of this form since you'll receive a notification letting you know when your request has been processed.  

Student Information

(Last, First M) i.e., Smith, John A
i.e., A00123456
(512) 123-4567
(full address including i.e.,

Registration Details

Let the department know what you're requesting and why

Course *
If you need help with a different course, contact College of Education Advising
Semester *
When are you planning to take INTS 4360?
After successful completion of your current classes, how many credit hours will you still need?

Course Prerequisites

Eligibility *
Check all of the following to verify whether you meet the following course criteria:
If you don't meet this now but will meet it after this semester, you'll need to wait and submit this form after grades post
If this isn't the case, you'll need to first schedule an advising appointment through the College of Education
If you're unsure, you should first schedule an advising appointment through the College of Education
Is there anything else the department should know about your planning?