Student Responsibilities and Academic Honesty

Student Responsibilities and Academic Honesty
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for keeping all university records up to date, meeting deadlines for filing all documents needing faculty, program, college, or university approval, being prepared for advising meetings and classes, fulfilling the obligations of all coursework. If circumstances create a situation, which makes it difficult for a student to meet program obligations, including class work, it is the student’s responsibility to let the instructor and/or advisor know of these difficulties as soon as possible.
Academic Honesty
As members of a community dedicated to learning, inquiry, and creation, the students, faculty, and administration of our university live by the principles in this Honor Code. These principles require all members of this community to be conscientious, respectful, and honest.
WE ARE CONSCIENTIOUS. We complete our work on time and make every effort to do it right. We come to class and meetings prepared and are willing to demonstrate it. We hold ourselves to doing what is required, embrace rigor, and shun mediocrity, special requests, and excuses.
WE ARE RESPECTFUL. We act civilly toward one another and we cooperate with each other. We will strive to create an environment in which people respect and listen to one another, speaking when appropriate, and permitting other people to participate and express their views.
WE ARE HONEST. We do our own work and are honest with one another in all matters. We understand how various acts of dishonesty, like plagiarizing, falsifying data, and giving or receiving assistance to which one is not entitled, conflict as much with academic achievement as with the values of honesty and integrity.
Students at our university recognize that, to insure honest conduct, more is needed than an expectation of academic honesty, and we therefore adopt the practice of affixing the following pledge of honesty to the work we submit for evaluation:
I pledge to uphold the principles of honesty and responsibility at our university.
Faculty at our university recognize that the students have rights when accused of academic dishonesty and will inform the accused of their rights of appeal laid out in the student handbook and inform them of the process that will take place.
I recognize students’ rights and pledge to uphold the principles of honesty and responsibility at our university.
Students accused of dishonest conduct may have their cases heard by the faculty member. The student may also appeal the faculty member’s decision to the Honor Code Council. Students and faculty will have the option of having an advocate present to insure their rights. Possible actions that may be taken range from exoneration to expulsion.