Benchmark Lessons
Introduction to GIS
Students practice using handheld units and software to create and find
waypoints, navigate, create maps, etc.
Background on Cougars
Students listen to a cougar expert, watch a documentary about
cougars, or some other direct telling of "stuff we already know" about
cougars. Students do not need to rediscover all the basic information.
Reading and Evaluating Data Sources
Students divide into small groups and read portions of the Riley and
Malecki paper using KENSHU technique.
Mapping Forest Cover
Students develop a forest cover map of BFL by visiting randomly
generated locations on the property. At each location, students
estimate amount of cover in a 10m x 10m grid. Students identify
preferred cougar habitat
within BFL using the map and information from the literature.
Cougar Food
Students use historical deer census data from BFL to graph fluctuations
in the cougar food supply.
Student-Designed Investigations
Students design and conduct their own small-scale investigations
related to the driving question.