by Maria Reyes and Kenzie Yoder
Dear Parent(s), I am excited to tell you about your child’s upcoming six week projects in Algebra II and Chemistry! The classes will be investigating various issues including water quality, water supply, water consumption and population growth. They will also look at how these things will impact the future of South Central Texas and what we as members of the population can do to help prolong the presence of this precious natural resource – water. In addition to these topics, students will learn mathematics and chemistry along the way. I think it will be a valuable and fun experience for all of us! It is important to me that you understand what we will be doing and how your child will be assessed, so that you can be involved in the project and encourage your child’s progress. These projects might require a little more initiative from your child than what has been required from them so far, but encountering mathematics and science in the context of real world problems is motivating and exciting! Please check on your child’s progress throughout the projects and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I have attached a calendar and rubric that outline due dates and how your child will be graded. Much of the work done for these projects will be done in class, so attendance is crucial. In addition to in class work, there will be some homework assignments similar to your child’s typical Algebra II and Chemistry homework, some research that may require out-of-class time, and a final paper and poster project. All of the technology and supplies that will be needed for the projects will be provided in the classroom. Besides the homework assignments, there may be little about these projects that will look like a typical math or science class. I do not believe that math or science exist strictly in the classroom. They have applications in many human endeavors including statistics, business, and engineering. For this reason, I believe an interdisciplinary approach is appropriate. But be assured that your student will learn the necessary Algebra II and Chemistry concepts. Also, because of the nature of this topic, your child will be researching and thinking about some controversial issues. I will not push any particular viewpoint, but will encourage the students to examine their own values and thoughtfully form their own opinions. Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter and the accompanying calendar and project rubric. Thank you for your time and interest. Sincerely,
Student Signature: ___________________________________ date: _________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________ date: _________________ |