Acid Rain What a Pain!

by Marilyn Alswede and Audrey Gonzalez

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Acid Rain Unit Project Calendar


Week #







- Show anchor video
- Introduction to unit project and what they will be required to do

- Review periodic table followed by atomic structure

- Review bonding

- Review reactions

- Review molarity
Due: Complete Empty Outline Notes for the week


-What is an acid and base
-Lemon Cheese Demonstration
Due: Partner Lecture Quiz

- Project day: How to do research on the internet and how to find articles and books in the library
- Groups begin research on acid rain

-Acid/base reactions
-Conjugate acids/bases
- Homework: Identifying conjugate acid/base pairs

- Project day: Continue research on the internet and in the library
Due: Content, Form, and Function Outline

- Strengths acid/base
- equilibrium constant (Ka, Kb)


- Project day: Compile research using PowerPoint
Due: PowerPoint Presentation Draft

- Introduction to pH scale
- Lab day: How to measure pH of various solutions

- Review of pH lab
- Calculating pH and hydrogen concentration
- Water Ionization Constant (Kw)
- Homework: Documented Problem Solutions calculating pH

-Project Day:
- class discussion of what students found in research
Due: Students give written feedback to each other

End point and equivalence point with respect to neutralization
-Introduce indicators
- Simulation of titration



- Review of simulation titration
- Types of indicators
- Practice molarity calculations for titrations
- Homework: finish molarity calculations from simulation, Titrations pre-lab

- Lab day: Titrations

- Finish lab reports
-Review Titration lab
Due: Student Generated Test Questions

- U.S. map of acid rain pH
- Project day: Research on statistics on acid rain
Due: List of Statistics in Journal Entry

- Due: Summary of statistics using the maps as guidance
-Review for Acid/Base Chemistry Test
-Students work in groups to start studying for test




Acid/Base Chemistry Test

- Present research of statistics using the U.S. map of acid rain pH
- What causes acid rain? (Nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide)
- Homework: Compare/contrast the three maps, how is sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide formed

- Effects of acid rain on environment and human life
- Demonstration of acid on plants
- Remainder of period research on more effects of acid rain

- Project day: Brainstorming ideas on prevention and neutralization on acid rain
Due: Journal Entry

-Final Project Day


-All projects components due
-2 groups’ presentations
-Buffers in the human body

-Lab Day: Acid Rain Simulation Activity

-Review commonly missed problems on test
-2 groups’ presentations
- Buffer demonstration
Due: Acid Rain Simulation Report

Lab Day: Antacid Effectiveness Investigation

-2 groups’ presentations
-Follow up discussions of projects
- Buffer quiz
Due: Antacid Effectiveness Lab Report and Group-Work Evaluations