Train Chemical Spill

by Wade Green and Joe Michnick


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





Dear Parent/Guardian,


            Being you daughter/son’s chemistry teacher I wanted to inform you of one of the projects that we will be conducting in the classroom.  The project consists of students analyzing threats posed by a train chemical spill.  The spill will be simulated by using pen and paper, as well as computer models.  Throughout the six weeks students will gain insight on which chemicals mixing will cause the biggest threats.  They will gain knowledge through hands on labs as well as inquiry based lessons.  I believe it is important to know the cost of this project will be the price of a notebook as well as a writing utensil, all of the rest of the materials will be provided in the classroom.  When the students have gained the insight to understand the possible threats, the students will then devise a plan to correct the problem, as well as address other problems that would be affected by the chemical spill such as contamination of groundwater.  Students will prepare their findings and give a presentation using any means they choose, I would suggest they do a power point presentation and a projector.  Your daughter/son will be graded based on their performance on the basic instruction, labs, quizzes, worksheets, and tests, but a bulk of their grade will be in their effectiveness of their plan of cleaning up the chemical spill. 


Thank you for reading this, and being active in your daughter/son’s studies.


Joe Michnick and Wade Green