Functions Abound

by Shelly Rogers


Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





May 5, 2005

Dear Parent:

During the next six week period, your child will be participating in a unit/project entitled “Functions Abound” during his or her math classes.  The Functions Abound Project is intended to be a refreshing approach to the learning and understanding of functions.  Instead of resorting to the traditional textbook routine, the students will be “learning by doing and creating.”  Rather than your child completing various textbook questions that are easily forgotten, his or her experiences throughout this project will promote long-term retention of the concepts.  Through this project, students will be able to:


            (1) recognize different types of functions that can be used to describe real-world images,

            (2) formulate equations of functions that best describe particular relationships,

            (3) apply their knowledge of how to manipulate functions in order to reconstruct real-world images, and

            (4) develop connections between mathematics and the real-world.


Using digital cameras and computer software, the students will work together to produce products that require extensive creative and mathematical consideration.  Moreover, because the products themselves are recreations of images found in the real-world, your child will gain an appreciation of mathematics, realizing its presence in every-day life.

Please carefully read the following information describing some aspects pertaining to the unit/project.

The students will be graded using the following rubric:

Unit/Project Rubric





(on time)

Needs Revision (on-time but needs considerable revision)


Needs conference/ Late


Background Knowledge Probe and

   Course-Related Self-Confidence Survey

(completion grade)





Chain Notes Participation

(completion grade)

must participate 3 or more times





Intro to Software Activity





Guest Speaker and/or Video Reflection





Unit Test: What, How, Why?





Annotated Portfolio

Images are to be created as a group, but students are to submit individually written explanations and diagnostic learning log entries.


Images, explanations, and logs should be compiled in a folder.


Each student must submit an individual portfolio.







Break-down of Annotated






Recreated Images

Images for each type of function

Images from the Hunt for Functions Activity

“Choice” images of Group










Mathematical & Direct Paraphrasing submissions per image








Diagnostic Learning Log

(completion grade)

One submission per image







Final Presentation

(done as a group)





Total Points



Concerning the assignments done as a group: All group members participate equally. If member participation has not been fairly shared, grades will be weighted appropriately.

Almost all supplies will be provided for your child.  The students will have access to computers, digital cameras, and the necessary software programs in order to complete this extended project.  However, you and your child will need to purchase a pocket folder with brads for compiling his/her portfolio images and entries.

Also, this unit/project should not require much time outside of class to complete.  Given that your child is on task during class and is working efficiently, he or she may only have to write one reflection paper at home in response to listening to a guest speaker discuss the relevance of functions within his career.  If your child does not complete his or her portfolio explanation and log entries during class, those will need to be completed at home as well.  However, the students will not be given homework assignments as usual. 

Please have your child return the bottom portion of this letter with your signature indicating that you have been informed of the class’s unit/project and understand what is to be expected of your child.  Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you for your time and interest.


Ms. Shelly Rogers

Secondary Teacher of Mathematics




(detach and return the portion below)


As the parent of ____________________________ (please print child’s first and last name), I have read the above information and understand that, if I have any questions or concerns, I can direct them to Ms. Shelly Rogers in order that they be addressed.  I understand that my child will be evaluated according to the rubric provided in this letter.  



Parent’s Name: _______________________

             (please print)


Parent’s Signature: _______________________                     Date: ______________________
