Web Resources
Here are some possible sources that could be used during this unit:
This will be beneficial because it will allow the students to make up their
own functions and “play around” until they find the specific
function that they are looking for.
•Gizmo- http://www.explorelearning.com
This site is more guided than the Graphmatica program. The students can transform functions by
manipulating certain aspects of a funcation, as well as compare parent
functions to transformed functions.
•The Wolfram Functions Site-
This contains a lot of very good information about various functions and has
many graphics. Through this the students can expand their knowledge about
This has suggestions for many interactive files that can be used with
imaging such as Geometer's Sketchpad and Wireman.
These programs often allow the students to use geometric shapes to model
something. The students could develop models in these programs and then try
to describe their models using functions. At this point they could check
whether the functions make the same image in Graphmatica.
- Computer
- Graphmatica
(already downloaded on computer)
- ExploreLearning
Gizmo: Translating and Scaling Functions (already downloaded on
- Printer
accessibility and printing paper —OR— graphing paper
- Different
images per group for each of the lessons focused on a particular
- Digital
Camera with memory card (1/group)