Text Resources
Miller, Kenneth, and Joseph Levine. Prentice Hall:
Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey and Massachusetts
Otto, Towle, & Otto. Biology Investigations: Teacher’s
edition. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishers, 1977.
Web Resources
- http://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=cResource.dspView&ResourceID=379
- http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/bacteria
- http://www.scienceteacherprogram.org/biology/mjoseph01.html
- 30 TSA 100mm plates (2 plates per group)
- 15 fine tipped markers.
- Bunsen burners
- 15 forceps.
- Nutrient broth culture of E-coli and B. subtillis.
- 5 Biohazard bags.
- 1 box of medium sized gloves.
- 60 goggles.
- 30 Wire loops.
- 3 antibiotic disc dispenser containers.
- 37 degree Celsius Incubator
- 60 Copies of Data Tables.
- Poster boards.
- Color pencils and markers.
- Scissors.
- Computer with internet access.
- Microscopes.
- Microscope slides of shapes of bacteria.
- Marbles, beads, and circular candy like M&M or Skittle.
- Tylenol tablets.
- Springs and pipe cleaners.
- Quiz photocopies for the whole class.
- Prentice Hall Biology (1 per student), pp 478-489
- Computers (1 per 2 or 3 students if possible)
- Direction sheet, questions for students
- Projector
- Laptop or Computer with Microsoft Powerpoint
- Disk with PowerPoint demonstration slides (1-7)
- Supplementary materials, handouts.
- Immune System Handout
- Web site: Data base links for activities and Video Clips
Go to Web Portion of Student Activities
Click on Making Hard Decisions
Matrices found at:
• Master 5.1, Proposal Criteria Matrix (make 1 copy per student)
• Master 5.2, Proposal Summary Matrix (make 1 copy per student)
• Master 5.3, Reflection Questions (make 1 transparency)
• Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Web site (1 per
Note to teachers: If you do not have enough computers equipped with
Internet access to conduct this activity, you can use the print-based