Chemistry of Fireworks

by Gina Kuntscher and Natalie Pickering


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





Project Description:

The “Chemistry in Fireworks” project revolves around the idea of students working together in groups to make a webpage for a new up and coming Fireworks Company.  The project is separated into four sections: History, Safety, Colors, and Parts, and each section involves students exploring and developing a variety of chemistry principles. For example, ‘Color’ incorporates metals, electromagnetic emission, and electron configuration; while ‘Parts’ covers chemical reactions such as oxidation and reduction. Students will synthesize their knowledge and share it with others through the construction and presentation of a web page.   To wrap up the project, students attend Fiesta Texas’s Science Day, which includes a visit with the head pyrotechnician as well as watching the closing firework display.

 Driving Question:


What is the Chemistry in Fireworks?



            *Engage students in the learning of chemistry

            *Provide a real world example of how chemistry is used



Students will be able to:

·       Identify some of major steps in the history of fireworks

·       Successfully use the internet as a research tool

·       Determine if a website is credible

·       Develop a testable procedure for their coloring agent investigation.

·       Construct a data table that is appropriate for their lab

·       Investigate the MSDS and safety information concerning the chemicals they will be using.

·       Identify unknown metal ions through the use of a Flame Test.

·       Explain and justify their conclusions to the class.

·       Critique the procedure and results of the Flame Test.

·       Determine a pattern among metal ions and their position in the periodic table.

·       Define wavelength, frequency, electromagnetic radiation, photons, quantum, spectra, ground state, and excited state.

·       Solve problems dealing with calculating wavelength, energy, frequency, and predicting color.

·       Identify and discuss the different types of electromagnetic radiation.

·       Describe how spectroscopy works

·       Interpret and explain spectra of various elements.

·       Identify an unknown element or combination of elements by visible spectra.

·       Compare and Contrast Flame Test with Spectroscopy.

·       Develop a concept map using Inspiration

·       Describe the basic composition of fireworks

·       Identify key chemicals and reactions associated with the parts


Every Fourth of July, colorful and bright fireworks amuse millions of people across America. These firework shows are not solely an American tradition, as they have been a familiar part of various cultural celebrations for many centuries. While people everywhere enjoy fireworks, many wonder how such colors and sounds are created. Firework displays are much more than a simple form of entertainment.  Each firework is an assembly of chemicals and fuels, carefully constructed to produce a particular effect. Understanding how these fireworks work entails knowledge of basic chemistry skills and concepts. Thus, why not use people’s natural curiosities and interests in fireworks to engage, motivate, and teach high school students chemistry?

“The Chemistry of Fireworks” project is needed in our school, and many others, because high school chemistry is usually taught as a subject matter disconnected from the real world and thus, disconnected from many students’ lives and interests. This conventional style of teaching has been shown to compel some students away from chemistry courses, while many of those that take the class lack inspiration, application, and connection with the material.[1] Research shows that a lack of motivation usually leads to poor performance on classroom and standardized assessments as well as no further involvement in the subject. The National Research Council has investigated this problem and states that students are more motivated to learn when they see a connection between classroom studies and real world observations.[2]

Consequently, “The Chemistry of Fireworks” project was designed to create this essential bond between students’ interests and the study of chemistry. In addition, our project will help educate students about the dangers and safety issues concerning fireworks.


Fireworks effects are the earliest types of explosives known to man. The use of chemicals to produce heat, light, gas, smoke or noise originated several thousand years ago, probably in China or India. "Greek fire", the best-known ancient fireworks, was reported to have been used during the Arab naval siege of Constantinople in 673 AD. It contained a blend of sulfur, organic fuels and saltpeter that generated flames and dense smoke when ignited.

Around the 10th century, adventurous people discovered that with the help of fire, an intimate mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur could produce a very impressive effect. In 1627, Kasper Weindl, at the Royal Mines in Hungary, fired the first commercial blast of black powder, thus introducing the modern high-energy composition.


Fireworks are made up of compositions that burn energetically and, if confined, may explode. They are classed as low explosives, in contrast to the much more powerful high explosives such as dynamites. Fireworks burn or deflagrate; high explosives detonate. Fireworks compositions contain all the oxygen necessary for a chemical reaction (and are therefore very difficult to extinguish in a firefighting situation).

Principal reactants are nitrates, chlorates or perchlorates, along with a combustible material. The nature of the composition and the state of the ingredients, such as particle size, determine the reaction rate, the appearance of the flame, smoke or other fireworks effect, and the noise and flash of the explosion.

Black powder is a versatile mixture. It is used in various granulations as a propelling charge, a source of noise, and a constituent of other compositions or as part of ignition fuses and timing systems. Other compositions produce colored flames, twinkles, and smoke, and may be either loose or compacted. When compacted (by being pressed into cubes and pellets, or rolled into spheres) they are called starsand and burn over their exposed surfaces to produce a brilliant ball of fire.

Other formulations that contain powdered aluminum or magnesium react violently; resulting in explosions accompanied by a flash and are known as flash or concussion powders. All fireworks compositions are energetic materials. They are therefore DANGEROUS.

In general, fireworks compositions are sensitive to flame, spark, friction, impact and heat. All abhor water in any form and most are rendered completely inert by it. It is worth noting, however, that water may cause spontaneous reactions in a few compositions (e.g. magnesium powders).

References for Background:

Firework Information-


Making Fireworks-

Safety -


Standards Addressed

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):

(1) Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices.
                         (A)  demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; 
(2) Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations.
(A)plan and implement investigative procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment  and technology;
(B)  collect data and make measurements with  precision;
(D) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences,  and predict trends from data; 

 (E)communicate valid conclusions.

3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions.

(A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and   information;

(E) research and describe the history of chemistry and contributions of scientists.

4) Science concepts. The student knows the characteristics of matter.

(A)   differentiate between physical and chemical properties of matter;

(B)     analyze examples of solids, liquids, and gases to determine their compressibility, structure,  motion of particles, shape, and volume;

(C)   investigate and identify properties of mixtures and pure substances;

(D)   describe the physical and chemical characteristics of an element using the periodic table and make inferences about its chemical behavior.

5) Science concepts. The student knows that energy transformations occur during physical or chemical changes in matter.

(A)    identify changes in matter, determine the nature of the change, and examine the forms of energy involved;

(B) identify and measure energy transformations and exchanges involved in chemical reactions; and

7) Science concepts. The student knows the variables that influence the behavior of gases

(A) describe interrelationships among temperature, particle number, pressure, and volume of gases contained within a closed system; and

10)Science concepts. The student knows common oxidation-reduction reactions

(A) identify oxidation-reduction processes; and

11)Science concepts. The student knows that balanced chemical equations are used to interpret and describe the interactions of matter

(A)    identify common elements and compounds using scientific nomenclature;

(B)    demonstrate the use of symbols, formulas, and equations in describing interactions of matter such as chemical and nuclear reactions; and

15) Science concepts. The student knows factors involved in chemical reactions

(B) relate the rate of a chemical reaction to temperature, concentration, surface area, and presence of a catalyst


National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Standards:

Science As Inquiry Standards (9-12)

·       Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry.

Physical Science Standards (9-12)

·       Structure of atom

·       Structures and properties of matter

·       Chemical reactions


National Technology Standards

1.  Basic operations and concepts

·       Students are proficient in the use of technology.

3. Technology productivity tools

·       Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

·       Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.

4. Technology communications tools

·       Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

5. Technology research tools

·       Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

·       Students use technology tools to process data and report results.



Formative assessments that will be administered consist of discussions, quizzes, homework assignments, lab reports, concept maps, and other written work.  Many informal classroom assessments techniques (such as Pros and Con Grid, Empty Outline, and Group Evaluations) have also been implemented throughout the project.  The web pages that the groups design are the main summative assessments for the project. These pages will serve as a public display of how well students were able to learn, synthesize, apply, and present the chemistry skills, contents, and applications they discovered.  For more detail concerning how the web pages and other aspects of the project will be graded consult the ‘Fireworks Project Rubric’ and the ‘Fireworks Webpage Rubric.”





[1] Roberts, Kathryn.  “Science—A Fact of US life.”  Education in Chemistry [electronic journal], accessed 12 April 2005; available from


[2] National Research Council, National Science Standards Education. Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1996.