Deep Impact!

by Tom Abraham & Allyson Berglund

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents



Mr. Tom Abraham
Ms. Allyson Berglund
2000 Tiger Lane
Austin, TX 78700
(512) 520-0000
August 19th, 2005


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your child will have the opportunity to participate in a five week project that incorporates math, science, technology, and real world phenomenon. The lessons will comprise of unearthing craters, meteorite discovery, modeling an impact crater, and research the K-T extinction.  Most of the work will be done inside the classroom within cooperative groups. Students will be safely protected by safety goggles and all of the materials are common household products, such as flour and sand. Grades will be based on two quizzes, worksheets, the final presentation poster and presentation, along with a work grade and a grade given by group members.  The only cost for students will be a writing utensil and a spiral-bound notebook.  You will be invited to the student presentations and further information about the time and dates will be sent prior.  Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this project.



 Tom Abraham
Allyson Berglund