Deep Impact!

by Tom Abraham & Allyson Berglund

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents



Project Component


First Assessment:  Quiz I


Second Assessment:  Quiz II


Work Grade


Peer Grade




Presentation Poster




Quiz I

A multiple question and essay quiz will be given over crater features.In particular the quiz will cover different locations and ages of several different impact craters, crater features, such as width, depth, ejectile patterns, and relation to impact energy.  The students will also use their knowledge about Landsat to indirectly find and measure craters.  Lastly, students will be quizzed over substrate and the similarities and differences of soft and hard rock. 

Quiz II

The next quiz will be devoted to meteorites.  Students will be assessed over size distribution, mass, volume, and surface area of meteorites, along with density of meteorites, which will tie in some mathematical skills.  Effects of different meteorite compositions and speed of meteorites will be tested.  Also, it will cover some of the effects of atmospheres, such as the presence or absence on several planets.  Students will also need to know the mathematical relationship between mass, speed, and energy.  Lastly, the students should know the effects of erosion due to wind and water.

Work Grade

The work grade is given to students as I evaluate their in class participation.  This will include class discussions, group discussion, and productivity of time spent in class.

Peer Grade

Group members will evaluate one another on the amount of work and effort each student was accountable for.


Several worksheets will be given to students throughout the project.  Most of these will be done in class; however, expect that some made need to be finished outside of class as homework.

Presentation Poster

The presentation poster is a group grade.  Students will have time inside of class to put their findings creatively and clearly on a poster.


The presentation will be graded individually on time spoken, spoken loudly and clearly, and effectiveness of explaining their ideas.