Ideal Diet for a Cell

By Audrey DeZeeuw, Jennifer Gidley, Julia Neumann

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

February 29, 2004

Dear Parent,

Hello. The following packet contains important information regarding a project our class will begin this semester.  Please read it thoroughly because your understanding of your childÕs curriculum is very important in their education.  Please encourage them through questioning throughout the project or feel free to contact me anytime.  I am very excited about this project and look forward to the array of knowledge the students will encounter throughout it. 

Like always in my class, this project requires dedication and hard work.  The experiment will be run concurrently with benchmark lessons to assess the studentÕs progress.   We will be working with mealworms, the larval form of a beetle, in order to design and implement the ideal diet for the organism.  In the course of gathering data, the students will also learn about issues pertaining to diet and metabolism.  I feel these are relevant topics facing young adults and society in general today.  Most of the data will be gathered in class; however data analysis and the final presentation will require some at home effort.

This is not a costly experiment as the school will provide the mealworms and their luxurious housing.  I am asking the students to provide a bound notebook and map pencils which can be purchased at a very economical price at our local office supply stores. The students do have freedom in their presentation format and any extra costs pertaining to it are completely optional.

The students efforts will be assessed through daily participation grades and assessment activities at the end of each week, each counting as a daily grade.  Peer evaluations at the end of the project will also be used in grading.   The final presentation, which counts for twenty-five percent of the final grade, occurs on April 1, 2004.  You are cordially invited to attend the projectÕs culmination.  A formal invite will follow closer to the event.

Again I encourage your participation and interest in your studentÕs school activities.  I can be reached at or 659-3822.

Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter and the following 6 pages. Thank you for your time and interest.  


