Natural Disasters in Texas

Are they getting worse?  If so, what could we do?

by Sara Hawkins and Sarah Wilson

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents
 The following is a letter to be sent home to parents before beginning the project:

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Next week our class will begin a unit on Natural Disasters in Texas.  Over the next 6 weeks, your child will engage in a number of activities such as making their own representation of how their chosen natural disaster happens, researching the history and possible future of that natural disaster in Texas, and collecting and evaluating their own data.  The majority of the materials for these activities will be provided by the school, but incidental items such as poster board or visual aids for presentations may need to be purchased by the student. 

Student performance will be evaluated based on the natural disaster model they generate, their preliminary and final project presentations, the final write-up of the project, and their performance in a class debate.  For details on how these tasks will be evaluated, please see the attached rubrics.  Students will be required to turn in parts of their project for feedback throughout the project, and they will have many opportunities to revise their work to achieve the grade they desire.  Students will have ample class time to complete this project, though if they do not use this time wisely they may find it necessary to work at home. 

If you have any questions, please contact me by phone or email. Please ask your son or daughter about what they learning. It will give them an opportunity to practice for their presentation and you may learn some interesting things about the natural disasters in Texas.

Please detach, sign, and return the bottom of this letter so I know you have read it.


 Sara Hawkins/Sarah Wilson

(school phone number)

(Email Address)


 (Please return with student.) I have read and understand the expectations of my student for the Natural Disasters in Texas unit.



Student's Name (please print)



Parent Signature and date