When do we run out of gas, and what do we do about it?

Investigating Alternative Energy Sources

by Peter Jeon & Charles (Buddy) Owen

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

November 29, 2006


Dear Parents/Guardians,


This semester your child will be learning about the shortage of worldwide oil supplies and possible alternative energy sources and their efficiencies. In this course, your child is to participate in a project. This project covers the crisis that society faces in the shortage of oil and alternative energy sources such as: solar, nuclear, biological, geothermal, hydroelectric, etc. Please look over the attached calendar and rubric so you will have a general idea of what the students should be doing in the classroom. In order to ensure that your child is making progress during this project, frequent evaluations will be given to the students in the form of small quizzes based on what the students have learned in class. Note that this project will be a group effort. How will my child's grade be affected by his/her group members? For each group, the final project result should be a report about a country of the group's choice. Within that report, students will calculate the time the oil supply becomes depleted and alternative energy solutions the country has to offer. Within these options, the group will discuss which fuel source is the most efficient in terms of cost and energy yielded. With that being said, expect your child to spend a decent portion of his or her time outside of the classroom. How much time per week? Research for this project can be done in the library or online.

If you have any questions or comments, then please feel free to contact us anytime. Please sign and return the slip at the bottom of this letter. ?  ? 


     Thank you,

Charles Buddy Owen ( drbuddyowen@mail.utexas.edu )

Peter Jeon ( peter.jeon@gmail.com )




     Student's Name_________________________________