When do we run out of gas, and what do we do about it?

Investigating Alternative Energy Sources

by Peter Jeon & Charles (Buddy) Owen

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

This project models an interdisciplinary course in High School Science and Math. While primarily focusing on geologic concepts (TEKS 112.49 (c) (9) (A), (B), and (C)) and mathematics standards in (?Algebra and Algebra II, Calculus), it does cover some aspects of chemistry, physics and biology. It may in fact be most appropriate for a capstone course in science. Prerequisite to this course would be studies in biology, chemistry, algebra, algebra II, statistics, possibly calculus.

Weekly Focus






Description of the general topic for the week.

Teacher Lectures

Computer Modeling

(Applied Mathematics)

Weekly Student Presentations

Mathematics Applications

Weekly Student Presentations


·   Energy and the Earth

·   Oil and Hydrocarbons

·   Alternative Fuels


Human Scale


·   Energy and the Earth

·   Oil and Hydrocarbons

·   Alternative Fuels

·   Student Project Overview and Rubric

Where do fossil fuels come from?

·   What is a hydrocarbon?

·   Geologic Processes

·   Geologic Timeline

Where are the fossil fuels now?

·   Types of fossil fuels

·   Deposition and Distribution

When do we run out

·   Graphing

·   Variables

Presentation Modeling

·   Sources

·   Alternative Fuels

·   Fossil Fuels

Assessment: Misconception, Preconception

Oil and Gas

·   History

·   Impact on our State

·   US and Oil: Past, Present and Future

Oil & Gas Exploration

·   Where are we likely to find oil? Coal? Natural gas?

·   How do we find it?

Discovery, Drilling, Collection & Refining

·   Coal

·   Oil (Crude, Shale, Tar)

·   Natural Gas


·   What are they?

·   Supply/Costs

·   Benefits / Shortcomings

Models and Simulation

·   Mathematical Models

·   Regression

Student Presentation

·   Middle East

·   Crude Oil

·   Bio-fuels

Assessment:  Mathematical Models, Regressions

Use and Utility of Fossil Fuels

·   Energy

·   Agriculture

·   Manufacturing

What do we use oil for?

·   Energy uses

·   Manufacturing

·   Fertilizers

·   Other

Simulation Earth

·   Computer-based simulation of ecosystem

·   Setup and Use


Nuclear Energy

·   What is it?

·   Supply/Costs

·   Benefits / Shortcomings

Interpretation of Graphs and Charts

·   Student analysis and interpretation of charts relating to fossil fuels.

Student Presentation

·   Asia

·   Oil / Shale and Tar Sands

·   Nuclear Energy

Assessment:   Oils, Nuclear Energy

Putting it together

·   Choices

·   Forward thinking

·   Activism


·   Chemical Structure

·   Energy Content

·   Quantity

Simulation Earth

·   Computer-based simulation of ecosystem

·   Stage 1


·   What are they?

·   Supply/Costs

·   Benefits / Shortcomings

Computer Tools

·   Excel / Spreadsheet

·   SPSS and other statistical analysis tools

Student Presentation

·   North and South America

·   Natural Gas

·   Solar/Wind/Geothermal

Assessment:   Solar Energy

Fossil Fuel Impact

·   Greenhouse Effect

·   Global Warming

·   Acid Rain

·   Other


·   What is it?

·   Supply/Costs

·   Benefits/Shortcomings

Simulation Earth

·   Computer-based simulation of ecosystem

·   Stage 2

Conservation – Individual Student Presentations

·   Conservation program

·   Applicability

·   Sustainability

Supply and Demand

·   Graphing

·   Variables

·   Developing formulas to fit observed phenomena

Student Presentations

·   Africa

·   Conservation

Assessment: What is the principle?


·   Future

·   The role of youth


·   Historical Context

·   Where do we go from here?

Student Summit & Summary Report

·   Student Group presentations – Recommendations to the United Nations and WHO


Student Summit & Summary Report

·   Student Group presentations – Recommendations to the United Nations and WHO


Student Summit & Summary Report

·   Student Group presentations – Recommendations to the United Nations and WHO

Assessment: Final Examination – Essay and Multiple Choice

Lecture/Didactics                               Student  Project / Presentation                        Modeling/ Simulation                         Computer Projects                                Assessments