What Effects Would a Big Box Store Have on Your Community?

by Sheri Johnson, Marcus Blomquist, Tiffani Tran, & Matt Goldshore
Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Resource List

Biology                     Chemistry                  Statistics


            Web Resources

1.     Carbon Cycle-


2.     What is Happening-


            Classroom Resources

1.     Carbon Cycle-

2 medium sized plants (about 1ft tall)

2 large glass jars

small amount of soda lime crystals

45 test tubes

15 limestone rock

Few seashells

Small bag of soil

2.     Greenhouse Effect-

baking soda

bottle of vinegar

Plastic Wrap (saran)

10 computers

LogPro Software

10 Temperature Probes

10 heat lamps

10 100 W bulbs

40 600 mL beakers

            3.  Nitrogen Cycle-

            Biovue animation from Prentice Hall Biology

4.  What is Happening-

            Computers with internet access



Web Resources:

  1. Environmental Chemistry Content:
    1. environmentalchemistry.com

                                               i.     http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/200611CO2globalwarming.html

                                             ii.     http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/chemistry/200609fluorine.html

                                            iii.     http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/200608hydrogenfuelcells.html

  1. Spectroscopy:
    1. Basic Information:

                                               i.     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectroscopy

                                             ii.     http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/

                                            iii.     http://www.scienceofspectroscopy.info/

  1. Lesson Plans
    1. Environmental Chemist:

                                              i.     Manufacturing in the Age of Recycling

1.     http://www.sme.org/memb/neweek/actrec.htm

                                             ii.     Air Junk, Specks, Flecks and Particles in the Air

1.     http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/airjunk/nosep2.html

                                            iii.     Bringing The Greenhouse Effect Down To Earth

1.     http://www.fi.edu/tfi/activity/earth/earth-4.html

                                            iv.     Sorting out Science from Junk Science

1.     http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/200608junkscience.html

                                              v.     Effects of Air Pollution on our Health

1.     http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/200602airpollution.html

                                            vi.     Environmental Chemists

1.     http://www.acs.org/portal/resources/;jsessionid=%406708cd%3a10e354ee404?id=c373e9f5bf5914ed8f6a4fd8fe800100

b.Chemistry of Cancer and Other Human Health Issues:

                                               i.     Hazardous Chemicals in Your Neighborhood

1.     http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/science/pollution_10-3.html

 Classroom Resources and Supplies:

a.Environmental Chemist:

                                            ii.     Table I:

1.     Large Cardboard Box

2.    Clean Plastic Jugs or Cartons

3.    Dozens of Aluminum Cans

4.    Paper and Pencils

5.     Calculator

a.     Table II:

6.    An 8" x 10" (205 x 255 millimeters, or mm) piece of shoe-box cardboard or stiff paper from a file folder.

7.     Six pieces of sticky stuff. Sticky labels or transparent tape work fine. Each piece should be about 1-1/2" x 3-1/2" (40 mm x 90 mm).

8.    One light string per collector, 12" (300 mm) long.

9.    One light string per collector, 12" (300 mm) long.

10.  Tape to hang the collector strings.

11.   A magnifying glass (if you have one).

b.    Table III:

12.  5 Vials or test tubes

13.  A graduated cylinder

14.  A funnel straw

15.  A marble-size piece of modeling clay

16.  4 different colored balloons

17.  4 twist ties

18.  A narrow-necked bottle (the neck should be narrow enough for a balloon to fit over it)

19.  A dropping bottle of bromthymol blue indicator solution

20. A dropping bottle of dilute household ammonia (1 part ammonia to 50 parts distilled water)

21.  100 mL vinegar

22. 5 mL baking soda

23. Safety goggles for wear at all times

                                          iii.     Table IV:

1.     Article to read about evaluating science

2.    Pro/Con Handout

                                           iv.     Table V:

1.     Article to read about evaluating science

2.    Pro/Con Handout

                                             v.     Table VI:

1.     Article to read about evaluating science

2.    Pro/Con Handout

b.    Chemistry of Cancer and Other Health Issues

                                           vi.     Internet Access

                                         vii.     Chart Paper and Colored Pencils

                                       viii.     Appendix A (link on website)

 Extra Water Quality Lab:

Determining Solution Concentration Using the Spectrophotometer and Water Quality

      The spectrophotometer can be used for colorimetric determination of concentration.  The process is based on the fact that colored ions absorb (and transmit) light from the visible spectrum.  The greater the concentration of ions (so the darker the color) the greater the amount of absorbed light or absorbance subsequently the less light that is transmitted or allowed to pass through the sample.

      To determine the concentration of a colored ion in solution, a set of carefully prepared solutions of known concentrations must first be measured for A and % T.  This process is known as standardization or calibration.  The spectrophotometer is set at a previously determined or recommended wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ion in question.  A graph plotting the A or %T vs concentration of the standards gives a calibration curve.  The A or % T can then be measured for a solution of unknown concentration and interpolated on the calibration curve to determine its concentration.

      The Beer-Bouger Law can be used to equate absorbance to concentration providing certain variables are held constant.   The law states

         A = e l c   

where A is the absorbance, e is the extinction coefficient (often molar), l is the path length and c is concentration in M or the units of e.  e is a constant for a particular ion or colored substance being measured.  For example the plant pigment chlorophyll has an e value of 0.689 /(mg/ml) cm at 652 nm.  Notice that the units of l are cm (most spec. cuvetts have an l of 1 cm) and c in this case are mg/ml, so that A does not have any units.   A is a logarithmic ratio, that is, it is the power of 10 that the ratio of the intensity of the original light shined onto the sample over the intensity of the light after it passes through the sample (log T).  Notice that if the path length is 1 cm then a graph of A vs c will yield a line whose slope is e for that substance.  One should also notice that if the same substance is measured in the standard and unknown solutions using the same instrument then the concentration of the unknown can be found mathematically,

                  A unknown  =     C unknown

                  A standard        C standard

     Water quality is a measure of certain properties of a sample of water which indicates the “quality” or acceptable levels of certain dissolved substances.  Some of the substances which determine water quality are amounts of various ions such as nitrates, phosphates, iron (III) and ammonium.  Other properties used to determine water quality are dissolved oxygen and presence of certain heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium.  Most of these substances can be mixed with other chemicals such that they give a colored solution known as a colormetric assay.  The more of these substances present in a water sample the darker the color.  We can quantitatively determine the concentration of various substances in water samples using colormetric reagents and the spectrophotometer.

The Experiment:

1.)  You will be given a water sample collected from a fresh water source in New Orleans.  Write down the information from the sample bottle in your notebook.

2.)  Preparation of a calibration curve.  Prepare a data table with the 5 standard solutions listed and your unknown sample.  The table should include a space for the concentration of each tube (both PPM and M) and space to record both the Absorbance of the sample and % Transmittance.

You will be assigned a substance to test for in your water sample.  You must then retrieve the proper standardization kit for that substance.  For each substance tested there is a set of vials of known concentration.  Exam the tubes and observe that as the concentration increases so does the color of the solution. 

3.)  To test your water sample simply place the long slender end of the test vial into your sample and press sideways on the end of the vial so that the slender piece of glass breaks.  Notice that the sample end is protected by a plastic cover so that broken glass isn’t everywhere.  Also notice that the vial is under vacuum so that when the end is broken water from your sample is forced up into the vial to react with the calorimetric assay reagents.  Please do not break the sample tip out in the air or the test will be ruined since air will enter the vial instead of your water sample.  Wait 5 minutes for the reaction to be complete and record an observation of your sample compared to the standards.  

4.)  Use the spectrophotometer to read your samples.  Follow the instructions for the particular instrument that you are using.

5.)  Do not throw away any sample vials.  Place the calibration vials back into the appropriate box in order of increasing concentration.

6.) Construct a calibration curve using your data.  Place A on the y-axis and concentration (M) on the x axis.  Do not graph the values for your unknown water sample.  Determine the linear regression and draw the best fit line through your calibration data.

7.) Use your graph to interpolate the concentration of ions in your water sample and record these values in your data table.  Also mark the values on your graph.

8.)  Do additional research to determine if the levels of substances tested are above, below or acceptable levels for fresh bodies of water.  You might try finding an EPA source.  Obtain data for the same water sample from two other groups testing for other ions and report if these other substances are within acceptable ranges.

9.) How would you be able to determine the precise concentration of a very concentrated solution (> 2 M)?  Concentrated solutions are beyond the reading limits of the spectrophotometer.

10.)  From the calibration curve and Linear regression data determine the e for the substance that you tested.  Find the literature value for e and calculate your % error.



            Web Resources:

