by Chastity Colbert, Theresa Hogan, and Danielle Ortega
Assessments Unit Rubric: CBR Presentations 5% Qualitative Graphing Assessment 10% Daily in-class work (worksheets, etc) 5% Homework 15% Linear Assessment 10% Quadratic Assessment 10% Parametric Presentation 10% Parametric Assessment 10% Final Project 25% _________________________ ______ Total 100% Final Project Rubric: (100 points total) Organization / Aesthetic Quality (15 points) Appropriateness of Mathematical Model (40 points) Presentation Skills (25 points) Use of technology Equally shared by all group members Participation and peer evaluations (20 points) Brief Assessment Summary: The CBR and parametric presentations mentioned above, as well as the final project, will be considered summative assessments to determine what students have learned throughout the unit. Also, homework and classwork will provide evidence about the students’ mastery of the topics covered. The other, more formal assessments (qualitative graphing, linear, quadratic, and parametric) will be formative assessments to help the teachers modify their instruction based on the problem areas they reveal. The intermittent assessments below will be non-graded and will serve as formative assessments for the teachers. They are designed to illuminate conceptual problems incurred by the students throughout the unit. Intermittent Assessments: (Parenthetical abbreviations of each assessment refer to labeling on the unit calendar.)
Do you plan on taking any of the following math or science courses? Circle all that apply: Calculus, Pre-calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Statistics (end only) – Please tell us what you thought about the final project.