Motion in Baseball

by Chastity Colbert, Theresa Hogan, and Danielle Ortega

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents


Unit Rubric:

CBR Presentations                                                       5%                                                      

Qualitative Graphing Assessment                                   10%                                        

Daily in-class work (worksheets, etc)                            5%

Homework                                                                   15%

Linear Assessment                                                        10%

Quadratic Assessment                                                  10%

Parametric Presentation                                                10%

Parametric Assessment                                     10%

Final Project                                                                 25%

_________________________                                  ______

Total                                                                            100%

Final Project Rubric:  (100 points total)

            Organization / Aesthetic Quality  (15 points)

            Appropriateness of Mathematical Model   (40 points)

            Presentation Skills  (25 points)

                        Use of technology

                        Equally shared by all group members

            Participation and peer evaluations  (20 points)

Brief Assessment Summary:

The CBR and parametric presentations mentioned above, as well as the final project, will be considered summative assessments to determine what students have learned throughout the unit.  Also, homework and classwork will provide evidence about the students’ mastery of the topics covered.  The other, more formal assessments (qualitative graphing, linear, quadratic, and parametric) will be formative assessments to help the teachers modify their instruction based on the problem areas they reveal. 

The intermittent assessments below will be non-graded and will serve as formative assessments for the teachers.  They are designed to illuminate conceptual problems incurred by the students throughout the unit.

Intermittent Assessments:

(Parenthetical abbreviations of each assessment refer to labeling on the unit calendar.)

  1. First and Last Day Survey (Survey) – This brief survey is for our grant evaluation plan. 

Do you plan on taking any of the following math or science courses?  Circle all that apply:  Calculus, Pre-calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Statistics

            (end only) – Please tell us what you thought about the final project.

  1. CBR (MPCAT):  Minute Paper CAT – Students will write a short description of how the graphs produced by the motion detectors relate to the corresponding motion.
  1. Parametrics (DFMCAT): Defining Features Matrix CAT - Students learn in the parametrics lesson to convert back and forth between rectangular and parametric form, and so they will categorize concepts as either "Rectangular Form" or "Parametric Form" to make sure they can differentiate between the two.
  1. Linear (SGAQCAT) –  Student generated assessment questions – Students provide their own quiz questions and teachers choose some of them to incorporate into the Linear Assessment.
  1. Quadratic - solving for roots (DPSCAT) -  Documented Problem Solutions - Students will solve 3 different quadratic equations, one by factoring, one by the quadratic formula, and one by completing the square and keep careful documentation of their solutions so that we can see how well students understand the solution processes.
  1. First final project work day (CGCAT) – Categorizing Grid CAT - Students will be learning about 3 types of functions during this unit: Linear, Quadratic, Parametric. With the Categorizing Grid, students will sort things such as equations, vocabulary, graphs, etc into the 3 types of functions that they have learned.