How Clean is the Water in Your Town?

by Thuan Dao, Colecia Hollie, April Lisa Olivarez, Joe Slapak


Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Resources for “How Clean is the Water in Your Town?”

J.Slapak, C. Hollie, T. Dao, A. Olivarez

Scientific supplies:

10 saline water testing kits

10 algae water testing kits

35 pair goggles

Case 10 ml pipettes

Case pipette pumps

20 500 ml graduated cylinders

20 500ml volumetric flasks

10 200ml beakers

Case of test tubes and 12 racks

250 ml graduated cylinders (3x10)

3 microscopes

Microscope slides

Slide cover slips

Cork borers

5 balances

10 stopwatches


Expendable supplies:

Case non-latex gloves

1 bottle sodium chloride

1 bottle phenol red
1 bottle sodium hydroxide

50 LB plates

50 small raw pumpkins

1 package plastic cups (200 ml or greater)

8 packages graph paper

10 packages colored pencils

1 gallon distilled water

Paper towels
pennies (4x10)
detergent (1 Bottle)

Vegetable oil (1 Bottle)

10 pairing knives

3 packages multicolored markers

1 roll butcher paper

10 rulers

Plastic wrap

Cotton swabs

10 spatulas

10 sharpies

10 forceps

1 package of 12 pencils

40 glass eye droppers

Weighing paper


Machinery and supplies:

5 balances

Weighing paper


Ohmmeter control standards

(100, 290 and 500)

10 stopwatches

30 TI-83 Calculators

Overhead projector
package transparency film
3 projector markers
computers for Internet access


Internet Resources:


EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations


Partnership for Arid Land Stream Monitoring Project


EPA free video Resources


LCRA water quality indicators


EPA Surf Your Watershed


Water testing


Highly Interactive Classrooms


Interactive Resources in Biochemistry

Internet Resources (cont.)


NASA Explores


Educators Reference Desk


Annenberg Media


Utopia Lesson Plans





Grant Finances for “How Clean is the Water in Your Town?”

J. Slapak, C. Hollie, Thuan Dao, April Olivarez



Item                                                                                                    Cost


5 salinity water testing kits                                                                           260.00                                  

5 algae water testing kits                                                                             107.36

Case non-latex gloves                                                                                 108.75

35 pair goggles                                                                                           280.50

Case 10 ml pipettes                                                                                     113.00

Transfer pipettes (1000)                                                                              101.48

Microscope slides (3 gross)                                                                         170.58

Slide cover slips                                                                                          68.72

1 bottle sodium chloride                                                                               7.65

1 bottle phenol red                                                                                      150.20
1 bottle sodium hydroxide                                                                            5.90

Cork borers                                                                                               20.95

50 LB plates                                                                                              32.50

50 small raw pumpkins                                                                               125.00

1 package plastic cups (200 ml or greater)                                                   3.75

8 packages graph paper                                                                             12.72

10 packages colored pencils                                                                       22.90

1 gallon distilled water                                                                                1.50

12 rolls paper towels                                                                                  15.50
pennies (4x10)                                                                                           0.40
detergent (1 Bottle)                                                                                    5.25

Vegetable oil (1 bottle)                                                                               6.75

10 pairing knives                                                                                      33.50

3 packages multicolored markers                                                              11.97

1 roll butcher paper                                                                                  78.56

10 rulers                                                                                                   5.50

Plastic wrap                                                                                              2.39

Sterile cotton swabs                                                                                 26.36

10 spatulas                                                                                              22.90

10 sharpies                                                                                              6.39

10 plastic forceps                                                                                    10.00

4 packages pencils                                                                                   10.38

40 eye droppers                                                                                       19.80


Total requested:                                                                               1849.11