How Clean is the Water in Your Town?

by Thuan Dao, Colecia Hollie, April Lisa Olivarez, Joe Slapak


Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents
Teacher Name: _____________________________________

Student Name:     ____________________________________

Oral Presentation Rubric



4 3 2 1
  Content Shows a full understanding of the topic. Shows a good understanding of the topic. Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Does not seem to understand the topic very well.
  Comprehension Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the topic. Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic. Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the topic. Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic.
  Preparedness Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
  Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Speaks clearly and distinctly most (94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word. Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word.
  Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.
  Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.


















Total: ____ /24


Teacher Name:    _______________________________________

Student Name:     _______________________________________

Written Presentation Rubric



4 3 2 1
  Content - Accuracy At least 7 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 5-6 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 3-4 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.
  Knowledge Gained Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster. Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster. Student can accurately answer about 75% of questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster. Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts or processes used in the poster.
  Graphics - Relevance All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.
  Grammar There are no grammatical mistakes on the poster. There is 1 grammatical mistake on the poster. There are 2 grammatical mistakes on the poster. There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes on the poster.











Total: ______ / 16