Functions in the Real World

by Eric Reyes, Monica Sustaita, Son Thieu

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Text Resources

  • Berlinghoff, Wiliam P., Clifford Sloyer and Robert W. Hayden. Math Connections. It’s  about time: NY. 2000

  • Boaler, Jo, Experiencing School Mathematics. Lawerence Erlbaum Associates; Rev&Enlrg edition (October, 2002)

  • Denton, Brian H., Learning Linear Algebra Through Derive. Ellis Norwood: UK. 1994.

  • National Council of Teacher of Mathematics. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.

Web Resources




Guest Speakers:

  • Statistician- correlation between different factors (i.e higher education and more money)
  • Banker- Exponential- the growth of money in intereset and savings
  • Engineer(s)- Quadratic, Linear- the path of projectiles


    • Computer Lab/COW at School
    • Computer Projector (for presentation)
    • One Laptop for presentation
    • 128MB USB Drives (1 per group of 4 students)
    • Software:
        • Microsoft Office with Excel and PowerPoint (Bundle Licenses)
        • Graph Explorer (Bundle Licenses)