Fuel Efficiency

by Mark Nixon, Louisa Lee, Pragya Bhagat, Ann Ikonne




Name: Mark Nixon                                                                                      


Title of lesson:  Exponential functions and Interest rates


Date of lesson:  Friday 2nd week


Length of lesson: 1 hour 15 minutes


Description of the class: 8th grade pre algebra

                     Name of course: Project based Pre algebra

                     Grade level: 8th

                     Honors or regular:  regular


Source of the lesson:

            Connected Math curriculum


TEKS addressed:

¤111.24. Mathematics, Grade 8.

(a)  Introduction.

            (3)  Problem solving, language and communication, connections within and outside mathematics, and formal and informal reasoning underlie all content areas in mathematics. Throughout mathematics in Grades 6-8, students use these processes together with technology (at least four-function calculators for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions) and other mathematical tools such as manipulative materials to develop conceptual understanding and solve problems as they do mathematics.

(b)  Knowledge and skills.

(1)  Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student understands that different forms of numbers are appropriate for different situations. The student is expected to:

(A)  compare and order rational numbers in various forms including integers, percents, and positive and negative fractions and decimals;




I.     I.      Overview

The lesson will show students how to calculate interest and graph exponential functions.  Citizens need to be able to make rational choices about money, interest and debt; this lesson will give the students tools to begin to understand these issues. 

II. Performance or learner outcomes

            Students will be able to compute the total cost of a car loan.  Students will be able to describe and identify different kinds of graphs.


Resources, materials and supplies needed

A class set of TI-83 (or similar graphing calculators) 



IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.  ŌGrowing, GrowingĶ Connected Mathematics 8th Grade Curriculum, Investigation One pp. 5-10.    and a post test.





Five-E Organization

Teacher Does                    Probing Questions                                Student Does      


10 min

 What allowance would you prefer? $1000 dollars a day for a month or a penny today, two pennies tomorrow and four pennies the third day or what I might call the daily double?

Ask this question several times leaving the daily double untouched and decreasing the $100 by a factor of 10.





 As votes change ask students why they are switching.  Is there a point where we can all agree on one allowance over the other?  How much will you have at the end of the month if I pay ($1000, $10) the fixed amount daily?



A few students will hold out until you are offering only $10 a day.  Students will respond with the appropriate 30 times x.



10 min

Okay now please get out your calculators and letÕs see if we guessed this right.




15 min


Okay IÕd like you to get into your learning groups and read about exponential growth. (p.5-6 Connect Mathematics)  How is our daily double related to exponential growth?

 Now using the y= button at the top left corner of your calculator read about the King of Montarek. (p.7-10 C. M.) And evaluate and graph the three different plans for the peasantÕs reward.  Please copy your graph free hand and be prepared to present to your peers.


I think you understand how to figure out the amount at the end of the month with the same daily allowance, does anyone want to explain how to find out whatÕs going on in the Daily Double?    Tell me what you see.




How is our daily double related to exponential growth?  (this is a rhetorical question better answered at the end of the MontarekÕs Reward exercise than the beginning. Priming the pump)

1. What does your y equal?

(what value does your x, y represent)

2. What does your x equal?

3.  How is this similar to what we just did with the daily double?


Student by this time have had some experience with calculators and will present different strategies, most likely theyÕll use the repeating button strategy press equals many times.  Students will respond that they are getting huge numbers fast.  (when you donÕt have to do it longhand it goes fast)



Students work efficiently in groups.

1. The amount of money rewarded.

2. The number of squares on the chess board.

3. TheyÕve replaced days with squares on a chess board.




10 min

Before we have been looking at functions that were linear, 5 apples for a dollar, 16 miles to the gallon.  We could represent this function as a line on a graph, but cars donÕt ride on square wheels and much of life isnÕt explained by a straight line. Many things grow exponentially.   Under the right conditions every amoeba splits into four every hour.  Bacteria grow exponentially.   



 (what is a function?)


1. What is interest?

2. What do we pay interest on?

3. What is the difference between simple and compounded interest?

4. What is appreciation?

5. What is depreciation?


1. Interest is the percentage charged to use someone elseÕs money.

2. Pawn shop tickets, mortgages, car loans , college loans , pay day loans.

3. Simple interest is calculated once at the end of the term of the loan.  4. Compound interest is added every day, month, quarter or other period.

5. Appreciation is how things become more valuable over time.

6. Depreciation is a calculation of how things become less valuable over time.


Extend / Elaborate:

15 min

Another common form of non-linear equation is compounded interest.   LetÕs think about a car loan.

If I pay $16,599 for a new car and the bank loans me that money for three years at 5% simple interest, IÕll end up paying back how much? [p*(1+i)] If weÕre talking about compound interest the formula is different. Final amount=Principle * (1+i/t)^#t or the final amount paid on a loan equals the principle times the sum of 1 (100%) and the interest rate divided by the period (t=time) raised to the power of the number of periods.  So once again we have an exponential function. 





1. What is interest?

2. What do we pay interest on?

3. What is the difference between simple and compounded interest?

4. What is appreciation?

5. What is depreciation?


Is this a linear function?

7. Can you guess what it might look like?

8. Using your calculator can you tell me what IÕll have paid for my $16,599 at the end of a three year loan at 8% compounded monthly?


1. Interest is the percentage charged to use someone elseÕs money.

2. Pawn shop tickets, mortgages, car loans , college loans , pay day loans.

3. Simple interest is calculated once at the end of the term of the loan.   Compound interest is added every day, month, quarter or other period.

4. Appreciation is how things become more valuable over time.

5. Depreciation is a calculation of how things become less valuable over time.

6. No.

7. Maybe a curve like the earlier ones.

8. 16599*(1+.08/12)^36=




15 min

Students will be given a short post test.  The test will ask for mathematical understanding and ask the students to provide a visual interpretation as well.










Percent effort each team member contributed to this lesson plan:

___%___       ____Name of group member_____________________


___%___       ____Name of group member_____________________          



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