Fuel Efficiency

by Mark Nixon, Louisa Lee, Pragya Bhagat, Ann Ikonne

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Fuel Project Grant 

Abstract and Summary

National test scores in mathematics and science while competitive at an international level in the elementary grades, decline precipitously in the middle school grades.  Our goal is to create an innovative interdisciplinary curriculum to catalyze the learning in math and science.  Research has shown the effectiveness of student driven project based instruction.  Ultimately our students will have a better understanding of mathematical modeling and representation and the scientific methods because they will be creating the experiments themselves.  The students will be engaged in a variety of settings in which to explore energy and the costs benefits and risks of personal transportation.  Students will create and explore graphical representations of data and engage in mathematical modeling of phenomena.  They will use their mathematical skills to explore models in both the biological sciences and chemistry.  They will use data to carefully build an argument for continued use of fossil fuel powered personal transport or they will argue for an alternative.  They will use both chemistry and ecological sciences to influence their decision.  StudentsÕ arguments will be mathematically and scientifically rigorous.  Because energy use is a national issue the students will present their findings in persuasive essay in the form of a letter to the editor.    Through this project students will learn much about mathematics and scientific methods and modeling as well as the importance of the scientific model for helping to make decisions in the public sphere.  Our goal is to have students who respect the power of science as a form of argument and c increase their understanding of scientific principles and mathematics.


As America enters the technologically sophisticated twenty first century, many leaders in industry and education are pointing to our studentÕs deficits in math and science knowledge.   Of great importance in our society as acknowledged by the TEKS is the ability to read and understand graphical data representations.  Many students and adults do not see that math is a tool that can model reality in graphs and charts that help in problem solving.  Ultimately, these deficits in understanding undermine our democracyÕs need to share information as well as our nationÕs economic competitiveness.

Students exiting middle schools have been turned off by math education.  While we use manipulatives to create a visual understanding of math at early ages, students are often turned off as we move away from the hands on activity to the number crunching that is much of middle school mathematics. A similar process happens in middle school science as budget cuts restrict real-life experiments. Students are forced to deal with science as an abstract concept, generated only in science books. At the same time that math and science interest is waning among middle school students, interest in cars and independence is flourishing.

 The National Council for Teachers in Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) strongly recommends that science and math education should be integrated in middle and high school classrooms to give students a more holistic experience, as is the case in reality. Our project aims to incorporate this interdisciplinary approach by examining the biological, chemical, and mathematical implications of fuel consumption in contrast to available alternatives, both in the present and in the future.

Our project will leverage the interests of the middle school student in transportation and independence by allowing them the opportunity to study current fuels and their biological and chemical impacts on society. This is the science component that will lay the foundation for the studentsÕ comprehension of the economic viability and mathematical understanding of different fuels in relation to car usage.  We will use mathematical and economic models to explore the relative values of different forms of transportation.  Starting with simple cost benefit analysis and graphical representation, students will analyze different forms of transportation.  Through this interdisciplinary approach, we hope to address real world questions about economy that students may have while making them aware of the chemical makeup and environmental consequences of alternative energy forms. 

Project Description

The United States lags behind other industrialized nations in science and mathematics beginning in the middle school grades.   During the last couple of decades, scientific literacy among ordinary Americans has also declined.  The transition between elementary school science with a great number of simple hands-on experiments, to the high school format of more complex and fewer experiments and greater reliance on the text book happens at the middle school level.  While students often enjoy their early grades science experiences, by high school many have a largely negative view of the sciences. Students fail to see the point of their learning experiences.  The introduction of project based instruction serves as a bridge between the two worlds of school science.  The idea of project based instruction is to allow students to continue the hands on learning process with a little bit more self direction and academic rigor.  Research has shown that project based instruction can be a powerful tool to increase their understanding and interest among students. 

            With these facts in mind, we propose to create an interdisciplinary setting for a project based instructional model.  We plan to have the students discover the most effective means of personal transport.  Students will study mathematical models that describe speed, energy efficiency, and economic cost.  In addition they will use information in the biological sciences to examine the effects of pollution and the costs of ecologically friendly alternatives to the car.  The students will use chemistry to explore the chemical reaction that is the foundation of internal combustion and they will create an ecologically safe alternative to diesel fuel.  As teachers make connections across disciplines, the students will be more engaged and be better learners.

 To accomplish their final goal, students will use many resources on the world wide web and will have to critically examine their sources.  They will use TI-83 graphing calculators to model functions such as interest payments, combustion and electrical energy used in a small electric motor.

             Throughout our program the students will be evaluated on their skills by regular assessment of their understanding of graphs and critical analysis of sources.  They will be graded on their ability to express scientific ideas in everyday language.  At the end of our program students should be able to interpret data expressed on a Cartesian coordinate plane.  They will be able to discern the quality of scientific information available to them on the web and be able to use sources and the results of their own experiments as evidence.  This evidence will form the basis for an end of unit assessment in the form of a persuasive essay (in the form of  letter to the editor) proposing the use of alternative or gas powered vehicles.  In this way students will explore science in a meaningful way and practice using scientific reasoning and argumentation in the public sphere.

Math Calendar






Week 1

Brainstorm Car Cost

Environmental Cost, 

Fixed Costs, Opportunity Costs,

Variable Cost

Opportunity Cost Bus v. Car

Lab day

Proportion $/mile, miles/gallon, pollution/mile

Week 2

Slope Linear Equations Day 1

Slope Linear Equations

Day 2

Slope Linear Equation Day 3

Lab day

Interest Rates Depreciation

Week 3


Fractions Efficiency of Energy Production

Graphical Representation and Understanding

Day 1

Graphical Representation and Understanding Day 2

Lab day

Persuasive Argument using Science and Mathematics

Create Rubric

Week 4

Review and Evaluation of Cost

Day 2

Using new Mathematics

Rough Draft of Letter to Editor

Concept Map Summation of Learning

Lab day

Final Letter to Editor Due



Chemistry Calendar








1.) Balancing Chemical Equations:

Introduce students to driving question. 


Summarize the section; ask students what they know about alternative fuels.


Background Knowledge Probe


*Types of Chemical Reactions and Classification


Word Journal Due

Balancing Equations: Counting Atoms and Algebraic Methods

Balancing Equations: Counting Atoms and Algebraic Methods


Word Journal Due

Limited Reagent Reaction:  Do gasolince combustion problem as an example.


Talk about the effects of the products. (Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide)

2.) Stoichiometry

Limited Reagent Reaction:  Do gasolince combustion problem as an example.


Talk about the effects of the products. (Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide)

Gasoline Lab

Gasoline Lab

Word Journal Due


Assess the chemical reactions of alternative fuels.

Combustion Lab


Pro and Con Grid

3.) Changes in Matter

Introduction to Intermolecular Forces

Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties

Nature of the Solid and Liquid States


Word Journal Due

Changes of Phase

Energy Changes

4.) Energy

Enthalpy and Energy (Exothermic versus Endothermic Reactions)

Calculate Energy Used in a Typical Car


Word Journal Due

Calculate energy of alternative fuels.

Section Summary and Conclusions

Unit Assessment



Biology Calendar






What type of fuel is used for your car and what does it emit? Show the greenhouse effect, www.pbs.org/pov/borders/2004/educators/edu_air1.pdf

Ozone, how it is affected by chemicals. Lesson plan on ozone: (number 7)

Go around school, put pollution testers (paper cut out in shape of window, with tape in between where particles can stick) in high traffic areas and low traffic areas, observe differences tomorrow

Discussion on results of pollution test, and how environment is influenced by currently used fuels

Create a poster on current fuel usage and its effect on the environment, hang in classroom

Introduce idea of alternative fuels, what it is, why would it be used, pros and cons of using alternative fuels, number 8

1st lesson plan, Pragya

Biodiesel and ethanol

Solar cars

Fuel cells

Week wrap up: debate (in form of 9 box game) of disadvantages and advantages of alternative fuels

2nd lesson plan, Pragya

Students divide up in groups that will eventually teach the rest of the class about the fuel they are focusing on, its pros/cons, and current research being done on it, who gains by its use

Students work on presentations

Students rehearse presentations, need to get ÔokÕ from teacher

Presentations on fuels by students

Presentation on fuels by students

Find 3 letters of the type you are going to write (to the editor, to mayor, etc) and become aware of characteristics of that type of writing, ie what do all 3 (or more) have in common?. Create rubric on which you want to be graded.

Work on letters in class, find three new sources which support your stance and 2 that donÕt

Work on letters in class, rough draft due by end of the day

Work on letters, peer review letters and grade them based on rubric

Polish letters, individual conferences with students and discuss what students learned in unit.



Materials List for Fuels Project


-       240  sheets of graphing paper and 30 TI-83s

-       10 computers with internet access.

-        10 posters.

-        5 Electronic Scales

-        1 Pack of Saltine Crackers

-        6 Books of Matches

-        75 Aluminum Pie Pans

-        40 Paper Plates

-        7 Bunsen Burners

-        7 Tongs

-       4 flints

-        7 Sponges of Extra Course Steel Wool

-        30 Research Fact Sheet: Alternative Fuels (one per student)

-        30 Information packet on Alternative Fuels (one per student)



Web sources:


http://www.state.sc.us/energy/PDFs/Lesson%20Plans.pdf, pg 90







Expected Cost


Graphing Paper

240 sheets



Scientific Calculators




Poster Boards




Electronic Scales




White Paper

60 sheets



Saltine Crackers

1 box







Aluminum Pie Pans




Paper Plates








Bunsen Burner








Steel Wool

7 sponges






Evaluation Plan

We are committed to both formative and summative evaluation throughout the project. 

The objective of this project-based, collaborative learning is to increase studentsÕ achievement in math and science, and to increase studentsÕ knowledge and skills in choosing an alternative fuel to improve our living environment.

Various layers of evaluation are designed throughout the project to evaluate objectives:

-       How is the math and science learning happened in the project?

-      How is this learning being applied to the real-life? 

-      Is the project doing what it is expected?  If not, why? 

-   What outcome is to be achieved?

The teacher observes students' participation and engagement, challenges with questions, interviews students for their progress.

Students will use notes to record their processes and document, review and analyze their work.  These works are collected to be used for the final report – writing a letter to the editor.  This letter will include their learning, processes and findings from math and science aspects.

Through this evaluation, we wish to increase the impact of the learning of the math and science through the understanding of the impact of the environment in our daily-life.  A significant impact will then be broadly applied to the public understanding of the alternative fuel efficiency.