Fuel Efficiency

by Mark Nixon, Louisa Lee, Pragya Bhagat, Ann Ikonne

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents







Week 1

Brainstorm Car Cost

Background Knowledge Probe.

Assessment: Background Knowledge Probe.

Environmental Cost, 

Fixed Costs, Opportunity Costs,

Variable Cost..

Assessment: Pro and Con Grid.

Opportunity Cost Bus v. Car.

Assessment: Pro and Con Grid.

Lab day

Proportion $/mile, miles/gallon, pollution/mile.

Assessment: Student Generated Test Questions.

Week 2

Slope Linear Equations Day 1.

Assessment: Student Generated Test Questions.

Slope Linear Equations

Day 2.

Assessment: Student Generated Test Questions.

Slope Linear Equation Day 3.

Assessment: Student Generated Test Questions.

Lab day

Interest Rates Depreciation.


Documented Problem Solution.

Week 3


Fractions Efficiency of Energy Production.

Assessment: Documented Problem Solution.

Graphical Representation and Understanding

Day 1.

Assessment: Documented Problem Solution.

Graphical Representation and Understanding Day 2.

Assessment: Documented Problem Solution.

Lab day

Persuasive Argument using Science and Mathematics

Create Rubric.

Assessment: Productive Study-Time Logs

Week 4

Review and Evaluation of Cost

Day 2

Using new Mathematics.

Assessment: Productive Study-Time Logs

Rough Draft of Letter to Editor.

Assessment: Course-Related Self-Confidence Surveys

Concept Map Summation of Learning.

Assessment: Concept Map.


Lab day

Final Letter to Editor Due.

Assessment: Focused Autobiographical Sketches.


Day1: Assessing Prior Knowledge, Recall, and Understanding ¸ Background Knowledge Probe.

Day2, 3: Assessing Skill in Analysis and Critical Thinking ¸  Pro and Con Grid

Day18: Assessing Skill in Synthesis and Creative Thinking ¸ Concept Map

Day10, 11, 12, 13: Assessing Skill in Problem Solving¸ Documented Problem Solution

Day5, 6, 7, 8: Assessing Skill in Application and Performance ¸ Student Generated Test Questions

Day17: Assessing StudentsÕ Awareness of Their Attitudes and Values ¸ Course-Related Self-Confidence Surveys

Day20: Assessing StudentsÕ Self-Awareness as Learner ¸ Focused Autobiographical Sketches

Day15, 16: Assessing Course-Related Learning and Study Skills, Strategies, and Behaviors  ¸ Poductive Study-Time Logs.