Fuel Efficiency

by Mark Nixon, Louisa Lee, Pragya Bhagat, Ann Ikonne

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents









Week 1- Explore currently used fuels and effect on environment

What type of fuel is used for your car and what does it emit? Show the greenhouse effect, www.pbs.org/pov/borders/2004/educators/edu_air1.pdf

Ozone, how it is affected by chemicals. Lesson plan on ozone: (number 7)


Go around school, put pollution testers (paper cut out in shape of window, with tape in between where particles can stick) in high traffic areas and low traffic areas, observe differences tomorrow

Discussion on results of pollution test, and how environment is influenced by currently used fuels

Create a poster on current fuel usage and its effect on the environment, hang in classroom

ASSESSMENT: creation of poster based on what students have learned throughout the week

Week 2- explore alternative fuels and advantages and disadvangates

Introduce idea of alternative fuels, what it is, why would it be used, pros and cons of using alternative fuels, number 8

1st lesson plan, Pragya

Biodiesel and ethanol

Solar cars

Fuel cells

Week ASSESSEMNT FOR WEEK: wrap up: debate (in form of 9 box game) of disadvantages and advantages of alternative fuels

2nd lesson plan, Pragya

Week 3- continue exploring  alternative fuels advantages and disadvantages, focus on 1 or 2 fuels and further research on it

Students divide up in groups that will eventually teach the rest of the class about the fuel they are focusing on, its pros/cons, and current research being done on it, who gains by its use

Students work on presentations

Students rehearse presentations, need to get ÔokÕ from teacher

ASSESSMENT: Presentations on fuels by students, Students grade each other by a rubric

Presentation on fuels by students

Week 4 – work on letters individually and conferences with teacher

Find 3 letters of the type you are going to write (to the editor, to mayor, etc) and become aware of characteristics of that type of writing, ie what do all 3 (or more) have in common?. Create rubric on which you want to be graded.

Work on letters in class, find three new sources which support your stance and 2 that donÕt

Work on letters in class, rough draft due by end of the day

Work on letters, peer review letters and grade them based on rubric

Polish letters, individual conferences with students and discuss what students learned in unit.

ASSESSMENT: Writing of letters to respective official, with students using prior knowledge as their base for argument







Useful websites:


  1. http://link2ed.com/cleanair/resources/nytplan.htm
  2. greenhouse effect lesson plan, 2 days one week apart: www.pbs.org/pov/borders/2004/educators/edu_air1.pdf
  3. how gasoline works http://science.howstuffworks.com/gasoline5.htm
  4. effects of acid rain http://www.iit.edu/~smile/bi8811.html
  5. effects of acid rain (vinegar) on limestone (chalk), possible engagement: http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/air/monops/lessons/acidrainlesson.html
  6. information on ozone, could be a lesson plan: http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/divisions/afred/education/lessonpdf/4_1a.pdf
  7. ozone lesson: http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/divisions/afred/education/lessonpdf/4_1wind.pdf
  8. biomass lesson plans, pg 62 and last lesson plan:

