by Kate Hines and Lindsay Ray
Dear Parents/Guardians,
September 16, 2005 Next week in class we will begin a unit called “Make it a Habitat.” This coursework will include a project in which students will design habitats for three different animals in a zoo. Most of the work for the project will be able to be completed at school. Expect your child to have a few hours of work outside of class each week. In addition there will be a required field trip to the Austin Zoo on November 14. Student will be graded on homework, quizzes, and tests in addition to the project. Project grades will include milestones which will be due periodically throughout the unit, posters, and a final presentation. All supplies except the poster board (one for each animal) will be supplied by the school. Students will be given a calendar and a rubric for the project Monday in class. If you have any concerns or questions, you can reach me by phone (512-555-5555) or email ( Sincerely, Teacher |