Make It a Habitat

by Kate Hines and Lindsay Ray

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Deaf/Hearing Disabled, Mobility impairments

Modifications for Deaf/Hearing Disabled Students:

Hearing loss or deafness

Most of the aspects of this project are not hearing-dependent.  There are a few lecture days, as well as a day at the zoo, but an interpreter might be provided for both of these instances.  Our anchor video has no specific sound other than music, and the rest of our lessons merely require the communication of information or instruction.  The teacher, with the help of an interpreter, would spend extra individual time with the hearing impaired student to ensure that they received all of the information correctly.

Some recommendations offered by NICHCY (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities) include:

  • regular speech, language, and auditory training from a specialist
  • amplification systems for use in the classroom
  • services of an interpreter for those students who use manual communication (if one can be provided)
  • favorable seating in the class to facilitate speechreading
  • captioned films/videos
  • assistance of a notetaker, who takes notes for the student with a hearing loss, so that the student can fully attend to instruction
  • instruction for the teacher and peers in alternate communication methods, such as sign language


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Mobility impairments

This refers to any number of impairments that may make walking, sitting, bending, carrying, or using fingers, hands, or arms difficult or impossible.  This lack of mobility can be the result of any of a number of causes, such as cerebral palsy.  The instructor would need to ensure that the classroom was handicapped-accessible so that the student could move around freely.  Also, the information and instruction given out in class would need to be provided in print, in case the student is not able to keep up with the instruction.  Our trip to the zoo would need to be arranged to a zoo that is able to accommodate people with mobility impairments (i.e. equal access to all the exhibits, assistance in getting around in the zoo, etc.)  Some possible accommodations in the classroom include:

  • Notetaker, lab assistant, group lab assignments.
  • Adjustable tables, lab equipment located within reach.
  • Class assignments made available in electronic format.
  • Computer equipped with special input device (e.g., speech input, Morse code input, alternative keyboard).




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Modification 3

Modifications for ADD

General Strategies

  • Bring to the student's attention science role models with disabilities with a similar disability to that of the student. Point out that this individual got ahead by a combination of effort and by asking for help when needed.
  • Student monitoring, self management, discipline, and encouragement can be a very important aspect for academic success. Below are the two basic aspects of AD/HD facilitation.
  • Self-monitoring techniques can be very effective in the school setting. Self-monitoring of attention involves cueing the student so that he/she can determine how well he/she is attending to the task at hand. Cueing is often done by providing an audio tone such as a random beep, timer, or the teacher can give the cue. The student then notes whether he/she was on or off task on a simple recording sheet. Self-monitoring techniques are more likely to be effective when tied to rewards and accuracy checks.
  • Behavior management techniques must often be used in the learning environment. By examining a student's specific problem behavior, understanding it's antecedents and consequences, teachers can help students with AD/HD to develop behaviors that lead to academic and social successes.
  • Provide supervision and discipline:
    • Monitor proper behavior frequently and immediately direct the student to an appropriate behavior.
    • Enforce classroom rules consistently.
    • Avoid ridicule and criticism. Remember that students with AD/HD have difficulty staying in control.
  • Providing Encouragement:
    • Reward more than punish.
    • Immediately praise any and all good behavior and performance.
    • Change rewards if they are not effective in motivating behavioral change.
    • Find alternate ways to encourage the AD/HD students.
    • Teach the student to reward himself or herself. Encourage positive self-talk (e.g., "You did very well remaining in your seat today. How do you feel about that?"). This encourages the student to think positively about himself or herself.
  • Bring to the student's attention science role model who has a disability similar to that of the student with an impairment. Point out that this individual got ahead by a combination of effort and by asking for help when needed.
  • Reduce the amount of materials present during activities by having the student put away unnecessary items. Have a special place for tools, materials, and books.
  • Reward more than you punish, especially with positive reinforcers.
  • Try to be patient with an AD/HD student.
  • Seat students with AD/HD in the front near the teacher with their backs to the rest of the class. Be sure to include them as part of the regular class seating.
  • Place these students up front with their backs to the rest of the class to keep other students out of view.
  • Surround students with AD/HD with good peer models, preferably students whom the AD/HD student views as significant peers.
  • Encourage peer tutoring and cooperative/collaborative learning.
  • A class that has a low student-teacher ratio will be helpful to a student with AD/HD.
  • Avoid all distracting stimuli. Try not to place students with AD/HD near air conditioners, high traffic areas, heaters, doors, windows, etc.
  • Avoid transitions, physical relocation, changes in schedule, and disruptions.
  • Be creative! Produce a somewhat stimuli-reduced study area with a variety of science activities. Let all students have access to this area.
  • Encourage parents to set up appropriate study space at home, with set times and routines established for study. Also, use this home area for parental review of completed homework, and periodic notebook and/or book bag organization.
  • Educational, psychological, and/or neurological testing is recommended to determine learning style, cognitive ability, and to rule out any learning disability (LD is common in about 30% of students with AD/HD).
  • A private tutor and/or peer tutoring will be helpful to a student with AD/HD.
  • Have a pre-established consequences for misbehavior, remain calm, state the infraction of the rule, and avoid debating or arguing with the student.
  • Avoid publicly reminding students on medication to "take their medicine."

Teacher Presentation

  • Consult with special education personnel to determine specific strengths and weaknesses of each student.
  • Maintain eye contact during verbal instructions.
  • Make directions clear and concise. Be consistent with all daily instructions.
  • When you ask an AD/HD student a question, first say the student's name and then pause for a few seconds as a signal for him/her to pay attention.
  • To help with changes in assignments, provide clear and consistent transitions between activities and notify the student with AD/HD a few minutes before changing activities.
  • Repeat instructions in a calm, positive manner.
  • AD/HD students may need both verbal and visual directions. You can do this by providing the student with a model of what he/she should be doing.
  • You can give an AD/HD student confidence by starting each assignment with a few questions or activities you know the student can successfully accomplish.
  • Self-monitoring techniques can prove effective in the school setting. Self-monitoring of attention involves cueing the student so that he/she can determine how well he is attending to the task at hand. Cueing is often done by providing an audio tone.
  • Behavior management techniques must often be used in the school. By examining a child's specific problem behavior, understanding it's antecedents and consequences, educators can help students with AD/HD develop behaviors that lead to academic and social success.
  • Develop an individualized education program. By identifying each student's individual strengths and specific learning needs, you can design a plan for mobilizing those strengths to improve students academic and social performance.
  • Gradually reduce the amount of assistance, but keep in mind that these students will need more help for a longer period of time than the student without a disability.
  • Require a daily assignment notebook as necessary and make sure each student correctly writes down all assignments. If a student is not capable of this, the teacher should help the student.
  • Initial the notebook daily to signify completion of homework assignments. (Parents should also sign.)
  • Use the notebook for daily communication with parents.


  • Gradually reduce the amount of assistance, but keep in mind that these students will need more help for a longer period of time than the student without a disability.
  • Consider alternative activities/exercises that can be utilized with less difficulty for the student, but has the same or similar learning objectives.
  • Require a daily assignment notebook as necessary and make sure each student correctly writes down all assignments. If a student is not capable of this, the teacher should help the student.
  • AD/HD students may need both verbal and visual directions. You can do this by providing the student with a visual model and a verbal description of what he/she should be doing.
  • You can give an AD/HD student confidence by starting each lab assignment with a few questions or activities you know the student can successfully accomplish.
  • To help with changes in assignments, provide clear and consistent transitions between activities and notify the student with AD/HD a few minutes before changing activities.
  • Make sure all students comprehend the instructions before beginning their tasks (the AD/HD student will probably need extra assistance).
  • Simplify complex directions. Avoid multiple commands.
  • Repeat instructions in a calm, positive manner.
  • Help the students feel comfortable with seeking assistance (most students with AD/HD will not ask for help).
  • Assign only one task at a time.
  • Modify assignments as needed for the AD/HD student.
  • Keep in mind that students with AD/HD are easily frustrated and they need assurance of things that are common in science, e.g., when an experiment does not turn out as expected. Stress, pressure, and fatigue can help reduce their self-control and can lead to poor behavior.

Group Interaction and Discussion

  • Help the students feel comfortable in seeking assistance (most students with AD/HD will not ask for help, especially in a group activity).
  • Gradually integrate the AD/HD student into the interactive system


  • Provide additional reading time.
  • Use "previewing" strategies by being aware of the following reading problems:

1.    Reversals when reading (i.e., "was" for "saw", "on" for "no", etc.)

2.    Reversals when writing (b for d, p for q, etc.)

3.    Transposition of letters and numbers (12 for 21, etc.)

4.    Loss of place when reading, line to line and word to word.

  • Shorten the amount of required reading.
  • Avoid oral reading *.
  • For all assignments, clearly identify expectations in writing.
  • Make required book lists available prior to the first day of class to allow students to begin their reading early or to have texts put on tape*.
  • Encourage the use of books-on-tape* to support students reading assignments.
  • Provide students with chapter outlines, or handouts, that highlight key points in their readings.
  • Read aloud material written on the chalkboard or that is presented in handouts or transparencies.
  • Provide the student with published book summaries, synopses, or digests of major reading assignments to review beforehand, and also downloads for Cliff notes are available for computer use (and for transformation to tape output)*.



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