Air, Water, and Soil Pollution in Austin

by Johanna Villalon

Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians,

My name is Johanna Villalon and I will be your child’s Chemistry teacher for this semester. It is my personal interest to see your child academically and scientifically excel in my science classroom. Therefore, I strongly suggest to check on your child’s progress from time to time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (email:

This semester, your child will be studying chemistry and relating their knowledge to public issues, such as pollution in our city. Please review the tentative calendar for the 5th six-weeks carefully and note that the project requires your child to employ a moderate amount of out of class time (4 hours a week minimum) to meet the highest level of success.  In particular, your child will be asked to research and collect data that is required by their topic of interest. Class time will be provided for your child to work on their projects. I will also be available before school for students to come to the classroom and continue their work. This project culminates in a presentation open to the community to take action against pollution.

Homework will also be assigned for students to practice major chemistry concepts. Additionally, periodic testing will be used to ensure that your child is learning the material required by law. Finally, I will strictly follow safety precautions to ensure a safe environment for your child. There are no expenses foreseen for the project.

Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter and the following calendar. Thank you for your time and interest.



Johanna Villalon


(please detach and return by your child)

I have read and understand the requirements of my child's Chemistry Project.


Child's name_________________________

Parent Signature

(please print)

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