by Johanna Villalon
* Students will be able to drop their lowest grade out of the four quizzes, or homework assignments. Project Rubric
The assessments in terms of quizzes and the test will be comprehensive. I intend to use a combination of theoretical questions, word problems, essay questions, multiple choice, and/or a freebee for extra credit. Participation will be counted based on the number of replies that the student makes related to the topic. I will hold a maximum of 3 replies per topic per student. The highest replies from a student in the semester will be the highest grade and the rest of the students’ grades will follow accordingly. In addition, discussions will not only be conducted as a class, but also in groups. Students will grade themselves on how much each student productively participated. The person with the highest percent participation in the group for a particular discussion will automatically earn 3 “used replies” and will earn 3 points for that discussion. The rest of the students’ grades fall accordingly. Individual collaboration to the group in the project will be graded by the members of the group. Each member will assign the percentage of time and participation that each member contributed (including him/her). |