Please carefully read the information in this packet that describes your
child's research project in Geometry. I believe this project represents
a wonderful and valuable learning opportunity for your child. I realize
it is a lot of information to read but I believe it is very important
that you understand all aspects of the project so that your child will
meet with the highest level of success. This project requires self-discipline,
hard work and great communication. Please check on your child's progress
from time to time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions
(school phone: ###-####, E-mail: (insert email).
The research project will not require a substantial amount of out of class
time. Students will be working together in teams to design an Olympic
venue. For the next 5 weeks, students will be gathering knowledge and
designing blueprints for several different Olympic Stadiums. During the
6th and possibly 7th weeks students will build a scale model of at least
one Stadium and put together a presentation. Students will present their
designs to real life architects. Most work will be done inside the classroom.
If students are absent anytime during this project they may be required
to bring some work home in order to catch up. Students will be required
to purchase a bound composition notebook. These can be purchased nearly
anywhere school supplies are sold and are usually $3 or less. If your
child asks you to buy any expensive equipment for the project, please
be aware that this is due to their choice and is NOT REQUIRED by me. In
addition to classroom instruction, workshops with local experts will be
arranged during the first six weeks of class. Some will be during school
and others will be after school. After school seminars are not required
but strongly encouraged. Students will be doing mini-assignments that
will all count as separate grades. The actual presentation will count
as 40% of this six weeks grade. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that your child
not be absent on the day of presentations to the architects, on (insert
date). Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter.
Thank you for your time and interest.
(please detach and return by your child)
I have read and understand the requirements of my child's Geometry Project.
Child's name_________________________
(please print)
Parent Signature______________________