Developing a neighborhood while preserving aquifer purity and sustainability

by Isaac Lim and Anna Morisani

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents


The unit on hydrogeology will have basic quizzes and one test to determine the knowledge of some basic background information.    Some of the quizzes and the test are included here.  The main sources of assessment will come from a debate and finally their project proposal of a model city.  The debate will have the students take on different roles and they will present arguments to a panel of government officials to either reform or keep the city the way it is in respect to aquifer protection and sustainability.   A rubric is included to show what is needed to debate successfully.  Students will grade other students on how well they debate.  The final project will have the students design a city or parts of a city to help protect the aquifer.  This project will have a series of deadlines for us as teachers to see drafts of their project.   The students will then revise and the present a final report.

Tell me what you know, part 1

Tell me what you know, part 2

End of Unit Exam

Debate Rubric