Is Fitness Important to Everyday Life?

Diana Bridges, Ryan Davila, & Chris Randolph

Project Home
Anchor Video
Concept Map
Lesson Plans
Final Assessment
Final Product Rubric
Letter to Parents
Lehman Block Fall 08 Home

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:

            I am informing you that your child has a class project that will be spread out between 5 weeks.  This project is to help your child understand the importance of health and fitness of everyday life.  The students will be working together on some parts but majority by themselves.  There will be assessment throughout the 5-week period and your child will be responsible for keeping track of all of their notes and worksheets that are part of this project.  Your child will need a 1 ½ inch notebook/binder to keep all of these documents in. 

            I have attached a copy of the 5-week calendar so you will be able to follow the progress of your child’s work. Your child will be participating in a few heart rate monitor activities that will allow your child to use technology and will be able to better understand what their heart is doing while they are performing different tasks.  You will have to purchase a $5 strap to hold the heart rate monitor on. This will keep everything sanitary, if every child has their own strap that they can take home and wash it. Your child will also learn to read food labels so they can make healthy food choices when shopping at a grocery store.

            So over all your child will be learning about the different body systems, about heart rate monitors, how to read food labels, how to work out with weights, and how to be organized by keeping a notebook of all their assignments and notes.

            Your child will be graded based on the following criteria:

                         Tests:              60 % 

                         Quizzes:         25 %

                         Daily:             15 %


                        Project:            100 %


            The only expenses that you will have are to buy the 1 ½ inch notebook and a $5 heart rate monitor strap, but the heart rate monitors themselves will be provided by the school. If there is any problem with purchasing either of these items please contact us at (512) 333-3232 Mon- Fri 8am-5pm.

Please sign and return the next page which states that you have read and understood the content of this letter and return to us.


Miss Diana Bridges

Mr. Chris Randolph

Mr. Ryan Davila

I have read and understand that my child is involved in the high school health project.

       I am responsible for providing a 1 ½ inch notebook

       I am responsible for purchasing a heart rate monitor strap ($5)

       I understand that I can contact the teacher at

(512) 333-3232  Mon-Fri 8am-5pm


_____________________________                  ____________________________

Parent Signature                                                               Student Signature


Date: ______________                                                   Date:______________