Is Fitness Important to Everyday Life?

Diana Bridges, Ryan Davila, & Chris Randolph

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5E Lesson Plan # 4


AUTHORS’ NAMES: Chris Randolph


TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one):        Yes      NO

DATE OF LESSON: 11-29-2008

LENGTH OF LESSON: 30 minutes

NAME OF COURSE: Physical Education

SOURCE OF THE LESSON: Exercises from the ISSA, NASAM, and NCSF books.

TEKS ADDRESSED: 116.52 2B, 116.52 4A, 116.52 4C,

CONCEPT STATEMENT: Strength in your core muscles is very important not only for individual fitness but for everyday life. You use your core muscles in everything you do everyday; whether it is sitting at a desk or putting groceries in the car. Think of your core muscles as a foundation of a house, the stronger that foundation is the stronger we can build on it. Core strength comes from a combination of abdominal, lumbar, and balance exercises.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Students will learn different exercises for core strength and balance.


SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Proper technique and stretching

SUPLEMENTARY MATERIALS, HANDOUTS: Mats, balance pads, plyo. Boxes, and stability balls




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Show a picture of six pack abs.

What is your core?

Core is abs [abs, obliques, and lower back]

Talk about core training.

What, if anything, does balance have to do with core strength?

Balance has nothing to do with core strength [balance is a good indication of  strong core muscles]




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Demonstrate the different exercises

Are there any questions about how to do any of the exercises?

I can’t balance [keep you abs squeezed and eyes focused on a non-moving object that will help you balance]

Break students into groups of three for the exercise  stations

What muscles do you feel working in this exercise?

I feel it in the arch of my foot [make sure to tighten up those abdominal muscles as much as you can the more you do that the less you will feel it in your arch]




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Correct students of their form

Do you feel a difference when you this exercise as opposed to the other one?

It feels the same [body positioning or realignment is needed]

Walk around and evaluate the students’ performance during the different exercises

Why do you think you are shaking?

I don’t know. [shaking is a sign of poor balance and a weaker core]




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Talk about how core strength and balance will increase overall strength throughout the body.

Why do you think core strength is important?

To have flat tummies. [core is used during all everyday activities in some form]

Talk about how core strength and balance can help prevent injury.

Outside of the gym where would we utilize our core and balance?

Playing sports. [not just for sports but keep us from falling when tripping among other things]




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Hand back evaluation forms.

Any questions about my evaluations?

[evaluations are to help point out areas of improvement]

Give summary of core and balance.

Any final questions about core or balance?

Can core and balance be worked on everyday? [yes]