Is Fitness Important to Everyday Life?

Diana Bridges, Ryan Davila, & Chris Randolph

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5E Lesson Plan #   2_


AUTHORS’ NAMES: Diana Bridges

TITLE OF THE LESSON: Two by Two’s Fitness

TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one):        Yes      No

DATE OF LESSON: Thursday, November 8

LENGTH OF LESSON:  45 minutes

NAME OF COURSE: Physical Education



§115.32. Health 1, Grades 9-10

(b)  Knowledge and skills.

(1)  Health information. The student analyzes health information and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

(A)  relate the nation's health goals and objectives to individual, family, and community health;

(B)  examine the relationship among body composition, diet, and fitness;

(C)  explain the relationship between nutrition, quality of life, and disease;

(D)  describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment of eating disorders;

(E)  examine issues related to death and grieving;

(F)  discuss health-related social issues such as organ donation and homelessness;

(G)  analyze strategies to prevent suicides;

(H)  examine causes and effects of stress and develop strategies for managing stress and coping with anxiety and depression; and

(I)  describe the importance of taking responsibility for establishing and implementing health maintenance for individuals and family members of all ages.

(b)  Knowledge and skills.

(1)  Health information. The student analyzes health information and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

(A)  relate the nation's health goals and objectives to individual, family, and community health;

(B)  examine the relationship among body composition, diet, and fitness;

(C)  explain the relationship between nutrition, quality of life, and disease;

(D)  describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment of eating disorders;

(E)  examine issues related to death and grieving;

(F)  discuss health-related social issues such as organ donation and homelessness;

(G)  analyze strategies to prevent suicides;

(H)  examine causes and effects of stress and develop strategies for managing stress and coping with anxiety and depression; and

(I)  describe the importance of taking responsibility for establishing and implementing health maintenance for individuals and family members of all ages.

(13)  Personal/interpersonal skills. The student analyzes, designs, and evaluates communication skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

(A)  demonstrate communication skills in building and maintaining healthy relationships;

(B)  distinguish between a dating relationship and a marriage;

(C)  analyze behavior in a dating relationship that will enhance the dignity, respect, and responsibility relating to marriage;

(D)  evaluate the effectiveness of conflict resolution techniques in various situations;

(E)  demonstrate refusal strategies;

(F)  explore methods for addressing critical-health issues; and

(G)  evaluate the dynamics of social groups.

(15)  Personal/interpersonal skills. The student appraises communication skills that show consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others. The student is expected to:

(A)  apply communication skills that demonstrate consideration and respect for self, family, and others;

(B)  demonstrate empathy towards others; and

(C)  analyze ways to show disapproval of inconsiderate and disrespectful behavior.



To help improve students muscular strength, while at the same time giving students the opportunity to work together in an attempt to complete a common goal.




·         Work with fellow students.

·         Demonstrate proper use of heart rate monitors.

·         Demonstrate proper technique on different fitness exercises.


Worksheet, jump ropes, 1, 5, & 8 Lbs. dumbbells, yoga mates, cones, and note cards with numbers (1-15)


Make sure the students stay in the designated station area; Make sure they only have two or three people at each station at one time.


PE Central worksheet




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Instruct the students put their heart rate monitors on and make sure they are working properly.

Does everyone remember how to put on the chest strap?


Tell the students that we will be evaluating their heart rate by performing different exercises.






Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Hand out the worksheet to each student.



Tell the students to find one person to work with and go to a station (indicated with numbers that match the worksheet numbers)

Does everyone understand that they have to find a new partner for each station?


*You may not be with the same person more than once.

“I can’t work with my best friend the whole time? Why not?”


*I want you to be able to work with different people so you can get to know each other better.

Instruct the students to follow the instructions on the worksheet and to do the activities in any order. Let the students know that they have 25 minutes to get as many exercise done as possible, if not all of them.

Does everyone understand what they are supposed to do?







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

I will be walking around watching each of you to make sure you are doing the correct form and getting your work done.

If you have any questions, please ask.



After the students have done all of the exercises, have them come show the teacher and the teacher will give them the next step.








Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

After the student has finished all of the exercises, have the students download their heart rates to the computer and have them evaluate their experiences by answering the questions on the bottom of their worksheet.

Did your heart rate stay inside your target heart rate zone?


If not, was it too high or too low and why?


Do you think that you have improved your heart rate from the beginning activity? Why or why not?








Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Watching the students to make sure they are doing their work correctly with little to no off task behavior.



Check their answers to the questions and make sure they answered them completely.