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Elephants and Their Young

Meridith Allison and Shelia Henk

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
Clinical Interviews
Elementary Science Methods Home

Elephants and Their Young

Did not observe

Needs Improvement


Mastered skill

Student shows understanding of elephant behavior during dramatic play





Student accurately counts the counters used to fill footprint area





Student is able to weigh food items using a scale





Student is able to estimate weight and area





Student is able to compare weights/identify heavy and light





Student is able to compare area/identify small and large





Students post-lesson drawings demonstrate a more developed understanding of elephants





Student actively participates in creating a class KWL chart





Student is able to create charts based on their measurements





Student actively participates in class discussions about elephants





Student is able to reflect on the lesson in his/her journal through drawing/writings





Meridith Allison and Shelia Henk