For the class:
- 32 oz. rubbing alcohol
- 3 tsp. table salt
- ½ tsp. drain cleaner
(preferably dry drain
- 30 tsp. baking soda
- 40 antacid tablets
- Red cabbage juice: Knife,
aluminum pot, funnel,
strainer, stove or hot plate, container
- 16 oz. white vinegar
- 40 aspirin tablets
- 32 oz. lemon juice
- Labels
- Sponges
Household items provided by
students and teacher
For each group of 4-6 students:
- 1 cafeteria tray
- 12 clear plastic wide-mouthed
- 12 medicine droppers
- Wide-mouthed container for
overflow of solutions
For each student:
- 1 white styrofoam egg carton
- Safety goggles