Current Students

Middle School Students

  • Standard Academic Advising




    Grade Monitoring / Early Alert System: check report cards every 6 weeks

    Grade Monitoring / Early Alert System: check report cards every 6 weeks

    Grade Monitoring / Early Alert System: check report cards every 6 weeks

    College / Career Exploration

    Goal Setting /Annual Needs Assessments

    Goal Setting /Annual Needs Assessments

    Goal Setting /Annual Needs Assessments

    Mentorship / Interpersonal Matters: Mentorship Handout

    Advanced Course Selection / Information

    Mentorship / Interpersonal Matters: Mentorship Handout

    Student Email Agreement

    Mentorship / Interpersonal Matters: Mentorship Handout

    Student Email Agreement

    Extracurricular Activities / Leadership Opportunities / Community Services: use website to track

    Student Email Agreement



    Extracurricular Activities / Leadership Opportunities / Community Services: use website to track

  • Standard Workshops




    Time Capsule Letter Goal Setting House Bill 5
    True Colors / Career Career Oriented Public vs. Private
  • Start Planning for College by:

    1. Visit Big Future - College Board to explore colleges and careers.
    2. Learning the levels of postsecondary education and which one(s) you want.
    3. Discovering ways in which financial aid can help you pay for college at Student Aid.

9th-11th Graders

  • Standard Academic Advising




     Grade Monitoring / Early Alert System:

            Check report cards every 6 weeks

     Grade Monitoring / Early Alert System:

            Check report cards every 6 weeks

     Grade Monitoring / Early Alert System:

            Check report cards every 6 weeks

     Goal Setting / Annual Needs


     Goal Setting / Annual Needs


     Goal Setting / Annual Needs


     Advance Course Selection /


     Advance Course Selection / Information

     Milestone Checklist (ApplyTexas,    Testing,etc.)

     Extracurricular Activities / Leadership

     Opportunities / Community Services

     Extracurricular Activities / Leadership

     Opportunities / Community Services

     Faculty Relations

     Mentorship / Interpersonal Matters:

         Mentorship Handout

     Communication Skills / Public


     Communication Skills / Public


  • Standard Workshops




    • House Bill 5
    • Dual Credit / AP Courses
    • Dorm Room Budget
    • College Research
    • MASH Financial Literacy
    • Senior Jump Start
  •  Fall Semester

    • Start thinking about reasons why you want to attend college
    • Research colleges you are interested in and compare up to three at a time on College Board
    • Enroll in Pre-AP or AP courses
    • Start saving or continue saving for college

     Spring Semester

    • Join as many extracurricular clubs or organizations to build your resume
    • Talk to your counselor about the classes you will register for next year
    • Learn about all the different career options you are interested in
    • Create your resume


    • Volunteer at a place you could envision yourself working to building your resume, such as the Animal Shelter or Library.
    • Job shadow a full-time employee in a career you are interested in pursuing
    • Attend summer camps in your community
  • Fall Semester

    • Register for and take the PSAT or PLAN Test
    • Continue to research the colleges and careers you are interested at College Board
    • Join or continue to participate in extracurricular clubs or organizations to build your resume

     Spring Semester

    • Talk to your counselor about taking Dual Credit Courses
    • Learn about how much college costs and how you can get money to go for FREE!
    • Start collecting college information through email or postal mail
    • Visit college campuses and talk with college students


    • Volunteer at a place you could envision yourself working to building your resume, such as the Animal Shelter or Library
    • Job shadow a full-time employee in a career you are interested in pursuing
    • Attend summer camps in your community
    • Work part-time to save money for college
  • Fall Semester

    • Study and prepare for the ACT/SAT
    • Begin your national scholarship search and submit applications
    • Keep your grades up
    • Continue to participate in clubs/organizations
    • Talk to your counselor at least once this year

    Spring Semester

    • Register for and take the SAT and/or the ACT
    • Continue researching colleges; visit them if possible
    • Start researching scholarships you qualify for
    • Update your resume
    • Maintain good grades


    • Register to re-take the SAT and/or ACT
    • Begin your college application
    • Work part-time to save money for college
    • Continue to volunteer and/or job shadow



    FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid

    College Costs vs. Sticker Cost

    Senior Jump Start Camp

    Transitioning from High School to College


    Goal Setting / Annual Needs Assessment

    Graduation Requirements / Graduation Plan

    Communication Skills / Writing Skills

    Milestone Checklist (Testing, ApplyTexas, etc.)

    Interview / Public Speaking / Jobs

    College Majors

  • Fall Semester

    • Submit your college applications by the early deadlines - ApplyTexas
    • Last chance to re-take the SAT and/or ACT
    • Check your email regularly to see if any information is missing from your applications
    • Talk with your counselor to ensure graduation
    • Consider taking dual credit courses

    Spring Semester

    • Complete the FAFSA online
    • Expect college acceptance letters by February/March
    • Expect financial award notifications by April/May & compare financial aid packages
    • Complete scholarship applications
    • Complete items for the school you will attend:
      • Notify the institution of which you plan to enroll
      • Register for entrance exams such as the THEA or Accuplacer
      • Registering for New Student Orientation
      • Verify your financial aid has been accepted
      • Complete housing application
      • Get your meningitis vaccination
      • Send your official transcript after graduation


    • Attend New Student Orientation
    • Finalize your housing arrangements

Senior Packet

Special Thanks to the Talent Search - San Marcos staff for compiling the Senior Packet to provide high school seniors and their parents with all of the information they will need about college admission during their senior year.

Remember if you have any questions or concerns please see your TS - Austin Advisor at your campus.  

  • Test Information/Preparation
  • College Admissions Guide
  • Career Exploration  
  • Financial Aid Information
  • Scholarship Information
  • Useful Links
  • Sample Résumé


For more info and to gather more resources, visit: FAFSA

Talent Search - Austin Program

Center for TRIO Programs
400 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666