Presidential Awards

The College of Education is seeking to expand the number of faculty who submit materials for the Presidential Excellence Award. We encourage both self-nomination and the nomination of colleagues. 

  Application Process

Submit a 2-page summary document (that focuses largely on the last 5 years) to and an updated Texas State vita Sheena Campbell ( and to your department chair by January 31.
•    College council reviews all applicants and selects the award winners in mid-February
•    Winners will be notified by the end of February
•    Nominees selected for the Presidential Distinction Award submit materials to compete for the Presidential Excellence Award to Sheena Campbell by March 28. This will give us time to get signatures in advance of the March 31 deadline.


From AAPPS 02.04.20: Faculty may receive presidential awards more than once, but not in the same category, regardless of rank, more than once every five years. During this five-year period, Presidential Excellence Award recipients will be ineligible for the Presidential Distinction and College Achievement Awards (see Sections 05. and 06.) for the category in which they received the presidential award.

College Council approved the following changes to the COE process in March 2020:

1. Faculty members will not be selected for Excellence Awards in more than one category in the same year.

2.  Faculty members will not be selected for Presidential Distinction Awards or College Achievement Awards in the same category more than two times in three years.

Summary Document Information

  • Please title your summary document as follows: summarydocument_lastname_category of award. (For example: summarydocument_Holschuh_teaching)
  • Include header with your name and department
  • No formal format required, but the following elements are strongly suggested
    • Short introductory paragraph
    • Annotated list summarizing achievements. Headings should include the criteria for evaluation found in AA/PPS 02.02.20 
          *Sustained commitment and activity
          *Internal and external recognition of activity
          *Impact or significance of endeavors
    • Explanation of how the nominee excels in the area for which they are nominated (service, teaching, scholarly/creative)
  • College Council will only review those summary documents that are two pages or less

Full Nomination Packet Samples

These materials are only required for faculty selected for the Presidential Distinction Award.


Holistic Score for Category 5 3 1
Sustained Commitment/Activity Evidence explicitly and specifically demonstrates the nominee’s excellence in sustained commitment to teaching/scholarly and creative work/service. Evidence clearly demonstrates the nominee’s excellence in sustained commitment to teaching/scholarly and creative work/service. Evidence demonstrates the nominee’s excellence, sustained commitment to teaching/scholarly and creative work/service.
Internal/External Recognition of Activity Evidence explicitly and specifically demonstrates recognition of excellence in the nominee’s teaching/scholarly and creative work/service. Evidence explicitly and specifically demonstrates recognition of excellence in the nominee’s teaching/scholarly and creative work/service. Evidence demonstrates recognition of excellence the nominee’s teaching/scholarly and creative work/service
Significance or Impact of Activity Evidence explicitly and specifically demonstrates excellence in the significance or impact of the nominee’s work in teaching/scholarly and creative work/service Evidence clearly demonstrates excellence in the significance or impact of the nominee’s work in teaching/scholarly and creative work/service. Evidence demonstrates excellence in the significance or impact of the nominee’s work in teaching/scholarly and creative work/service.