Social Studies 4 All
Social Studies 4 All
Welcome to the Studies 4 All Website!
Within this site you will find Spanish, English, and Korean translations of the social studies College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) and the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) standards in both written and oral formats. Educators will also find readings of some social studies books in Spanish, as well as other Spanish language social studies resources. We hope that these resources are helpful in increasing students’ Spanish language maintenance and exposure. While many of these resources are designed to work within bilingual and dual language classrooms, they are also for monolingual English classrooms, such as using the audio/video recordings as learning stations. We hope that educators will utilize the resources included in this site and contribute their own CCRS-aligned social studies lessons, videos, and readings in Spanish or in other languages for possible inclusion on the website. To contribute lessons and other social studies resources, please email Dr. Emily Summers at
Special Thanks
Funding to develop this site was provided by a mini-grant from The College & Career Readiness Initiative Faculty Collaboratives (CCRIFC) Project is a P-16 Educator Quality initiative of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The CCRI Faculty Collaborative in Social Studies engages faculty members from Texas Institutions of Higher Education associated with the delivery of educator programs and courses related to the preparation of future social studies teachers in a variety of collaborative activities. The primary aim is to ensure that prospective teachers are receiving an education that is closely aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS). We are thankful to the CCRIFC for their support, as this project could not have come to fruition without them and their invaluable contribution to the work.