Environmental Issues
Name: Jessica Gamez
Title of lesson: Environmental Issues
Date of lesson: Week 3, Tuesday and Wednesday
Length of lesson: 2 days
Description of the class: 7th grade regular Biology
Course Title: Biology
Grade level: 7th
Source of the lesson:
Prentice Hall Science Explorer, 7th grade pg. 622-627
Newspaper: The Australian –Science and Nature
USA Today:
TEKS addressed:
(3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to:
(A) Analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information;
(B) Draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services.
14) Science concepts. The student knows that natural events and human activity can alter Earth systems. The student is expected to
(C) Make inferences and draw conclusions about effects of human activity on Earth's renewable, non-renewable, and inexhaustible resources.
The Lesson:
People have always used EarthÕs resources. But, as the human population has grown, so has its effect on EarthÕs systems. After completing the lesson, students will understand the main types of environmental issues and explain the effects of human activity on EarthÕs resources.
Students will be able to:
III. Resources, materials and supplies needed
IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.
The Australian
(See sources)
Environmental Issues
Name: Jessica Gamez
Title of Lesson: Environmental issues
Concept(s): People have always used EarthÕs resources. But, as the human population has grown, so has its effects on EarthÕs systems. After completing the lesson, students will understand the main types of environmental issues and explain the effects of human activity on EarthÕs resources.
Source of the Lesson:
Prentice Hall Science Explorer, 7th grade pg. 622-627
Newspaper: The Australian –Science and Nature
USA Today:
Five-E Organization
Teacher Does |
Probing Questions |
Student Does |
Teacher will by activating studentsÕ prior knowledge on a general sense of issues pertaining to the environment as a class discussion. Approx. Time__10_mins |
What is the current conversation about the environment? Where do we find reliable sources for information on this topic? How do we know if it is reliable? |
Pollution. Use of resources. The growth of the population. Newspapers. Magazines. Internet. StudentsÕ answers will vary. It has to come from a professional and expert in that area. They should have other sources that have been reliable in the past. |
Teacher Does |
Probing Questions |
Student Does |
Begin by informing the students that there are three main types of environmental issues: resource-use, population growth, and pollution. Prereading Strategy: Teacher will provide students with a variety of newspaper articles on the topic of environmental issues. Let students work in groups of two or three to look through the sources and select one article about environmental issues globally. Suggest that each group choose one issue to use as the subject of the Questions, Questions, Questions activity. Students will generate four types of questions from the selected activity and construct it on a poster paper with markers. Display the completed posters in the classroom along with a copy of the selected article. Students will present their work to the class. Allow time for students to review one anotherÕs posters and discuss their ideas and views about the issues. Approx. Time_30__mins |
What question did you come up with that you can find easily in the article? What question did you come up with that you need to find by looking at several areas of the text? What type of question did you come up with by adding what you already know about the topic? What was you own question about this topic? |
StudentsÕ answers will vary. According to Mr. Tingay, what does the outlook for the region and its inhabitants look like for 2012? StudentsÕ answers will vary. How much waste is being poured into the Ok Tedi and Fly river systems ad what types of changes will this cause? StudentsÕ answers will vary. What is it important for us to take care of EarthÕs systems. StudentsÕ answers will vary. How much effort is needed globally to ensure the longevity of our planet? |