Questions, Questions, Questions
* Point to the Answer The answer to this type of question is stated directly in the text. You can point to the answers to these questions right in the text. |
k Put It Together To answer this kind of question, you must put together different pieces of information found in the text. To answer these questions, you need to use information found in different places in the text. |
8 Connect It The answer to this type of question is not found in the text – you must connect something in the reading with something you already know. Connecting questions make you think about other things you know about the subject. |
@ Make It Your Own The answer to this type of question is not found in the text – it is related to the topic, and you must think about the text to come up with the answer. These questions are related to the reading topic, but the answers are not directly in the text – you have to draw conclusions you can support. |