A New Home

by Ashley Carter


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





Resources List



1.      Stars and Planets by Gunther D. Roth



2.      Lesson 1

a. NOVA clip

b.Cardboard (all different colors)

c. Scissors

d.Glue or tape

e. Colored pens

f.  Food: green pea, mushroom, walnut, cherry tomato, orange, grapefruit, cabbage, and lettuce

g. Semantic Feature Analysis grid

3.      Lesson 2

a.       Computers with internet access (one for each group)

b.      Materials students will require to create the greenhouse models they design (examples: clear plastic wrap, craft sticks, cardboard, scissors, tape)

c.       Several lamps with incandescent light bulbs

d.      Several indoor/outdoor thermometers

e.       Graph paper

4.      Lesson 3

a.       Computers with internet access (one for each group)

b.      Print resources

c.       Poster board

d.      Art supplies: markers, colored pencils, stickers, and scissors

e.       Optional: string, hole punch, and hangers for a mobile

5.      Lesson 4

a.       Elements of Biology: Ecosystems: Organisms and Their Environments video

b.      Computers with internet access (one for each group)

c.       Poster board or newsprint

d.      Art supplies: markers, pencils, colored pencils

6.      Lesson 5

a.       What Do Animals Eat? Video

b.      Beavers video

c.       Biome in a Baggie video

d.      Photosynthesis video

e.       Illuminating Photosynthesis flash interactive

f.        Plain white paper

g.       Markers

h.       Handout: Exploring the Needs of Animals and Plants



1.      Lesson 1


2.      Lesson 2


This website explains the greenhouse effect in terms middle school students should understand. It also includes an animation

3.      Lesson 3

a.       All Planets

                                                               i.      http://www.wilders.force9.co.uk/BeyondEarth/planets.htm

                                                             ii.      http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/solar_system_weather_010306-1.html

b.      Mercury and Venus

                                                               i.      http://sci.esa.int/content/doc/a0/2208_.htm

                                                             ii.      http://www.rog.nmm.ac.uk/leaflets/solar_system/section3.5.html

                                                            iii.      http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/solar_system_weather_010306-2.html

c.       Earth and Mars

                                                               i.      http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/planetstorm/report/report.html

                                                             ii.      http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/solar_system_weather_010306-3.html

                                                            iii.      http://explorezone.com/weather/pressure.htm

                                                           iv.      http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/earthhowmuch.html

d.      Jupiter and Saturn

                                                               i.      http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/jupiter_weather_000209.html

                                                             ii.      http://www.wilders.force9.co.uk/BeyondEarth/planets.htm

                                                            iii.      http://www.hawastsoc.org/solar/eng/jupiter.htm

e.       Uranus and Neptune

                                                               i.      http://www.wilders.force9.co.uk/BeyondEarth/planets.htm

                                                             ii.      http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/solar_system_weather_010306-5.html

4.      Lesson 4

a.       To buy the video: http://teacherstore.discovery.com/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10003&catalogId=10003&langId=-1&productId=61444&partnumber=894832&jzid=40588027-0-0

5.      Lesson 5

a.       What Do Animals Eat?:

b.      Beavers:

c.       Biome in a Baggie:

d.      Photosynthesis:

e.       Illuminating Photosynthesis: