A New Home

by Ashley Carter












Analysis of A Work of Art : Greenhouse Model and Paper
















Teacher Name: Ms. Carter














Student Name:     ________________________________________













Makes a complete and detailed description of the subject matter and/or elements seen in a work.

Makes a detailed description of most of the subject matter and/or elements seen in a work.

Makes a detailed description of some of the subject matter and/or elements seen in a work.

Descriptions are not detailed or complete.


Accurately describes several dominant elements or principles used by the artist and accurately relates how they are used by the artist to reinforce the theme, meaning, mood, or feeling of the artwork.

Accurately describes a couple of dominant elements and principles used by the artist and accurately relates how these are used by the artist to reinforce the theme, meaning, mood, or feeling of the artwork.

Describes some dominant elements and principles used by the artist, but has difficulty describing how these relate to the meaning or feeling of the artwork.

Has trouble picking out the dominant elements.


Forms a somewhat reasonable hypothesis about the symbolic or metaphorical meaning and is able to support this with evidence from the work.

Student identifies the literal meaning of the work.

Student can relate how the work makes him/her feel personally.

Student finds it difficult to interpret the meaning of the work.


Model accurately acts as a greenhouse, students took at least 10 temp. measurements

Model accurately acts as a greenhouse, students took 7-10 temp. measurements

Model somewhat accurately acts as a greenhouse, students took 5-7 temp. measurements

Model does not accurately acts as a greenhouse, students took less than 5 temp. measurements






Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents



