Statistics, Rivers, and Bugs! Oh My!

by Elizabeth Owen and Brandon Harvill

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1

Anchor video

Explanation of project: purpose, grading, general overview

Give students website for insect reference

Students: choose groups of two, ask general questions

S: Review of mean and median.

B: Show pictures of insects so students can know what to look for

How to properly catch/bottle insects

Students: Take notes


S: History of Statistics for students benefit.

B: Explain Biodiversity

1. Insect populations

2. Effects of Cities

Students: Take notes


S: Purpose of Statistics - Uses

B: Where to look for insects; show sample insects for students.

Students: Take notes, ask general questions


S: Explain the sample sizes needed in order to make conclusions about environment

B: Explain EPT test

  1. how it’s used
  2. why it’s used
  3. factors effecting

Students: understand why EPT is used; ask questions

Week 2

S: Talk about how to obtain unbiased and accurate statistics and getting random samlples.

B: Show insects caught over weekend; Explain Ephemeroptera, Power Point

  1. tolerance
  2. life history
Students: Take notes; open notes worksheet on Ephemeroptera

S: Start compiling data on insects caught

B: Conclude Ephemeroptera

Students: ask questions, take notes

*Lab Day*

Explain use of dichotomous key

View Ephemeropterans under scope

Students: worksheets on identification, Statistics Practice

Conclude Ephemeropterans under scope

Help identify students’ species

Students: conclude worksheets

S: Help Students with specimens

  1. significance
  2. error
  3. standard deviation
  4. mean/media/mode
  5. expected/observed
  6. chance/probability

B: *Lab Day*

Students should have specimens

Students: Take notes
Week 3

S: Significance

  1. how to determine
  2. whether or not their results are significant
  3. how much collection do they need to do to make their data significant

B: Show insects caught over weekend; Make sure students are on the right track and have been collecting properly


Students: Take notes; statistics worksheet; should have hunted at least twice by now at multiple locations

S: Activities to help students analyze data of various sorts

B: Review Ephemeroptera; Explain Plecoptera, Power Point

  1. tolerance
  2. life-history

CAT 3 Empty Outlines

Students: Take notes

S: Conclude and go over activity

B: Conclude

Students: open notes worksheet on Plecoptera

*Lab Day*

View Plecopterans under scope

Students: worksheet on identification

*Lab Day*

Conclude Plecopterans under scope

Help identify student’s species; work on data analysis

Should have good amount of specimens

Students: conclude worksheet
Week 4

S: Standard deviation

  1. how to find
  2. why it's important

B: Show insects collected over weekend; Help Students identify specimens.

Students: Take notes; should have majority of collection

S: Error

  1. how to find
  2. acceptable?
  3. Causes
  4. how to avoid human errors

B: Check in with students and make sure they are on track

CAT 4 Content, Form, and Function

Students: Take notes

S: Introduction of Z and T tests

B: Review Plecopterans; Explain Trichopterans

  1. Tolerance
  2. Life- history

Students: Take notes

S:  When to use which significance tests.

B: Conclude Trichopterans

CAT 5 Approximate Analogies

Students: open notes worksheet on Trichopterans

*Lab Day*

View Trichopterans under scope

Collections should be extensive

Students: worksheet on identification
Week 5

*Lab Day*

Conclude Trichopterans under scope

Help identify students’ species

Students: worksheet

S: Expected/observed

  1. how to find
  2. purpose
  3. how to use

B: Overall review of all insects and the similarities and differences between them

Students: Take notes

S: Chance/probability

  1. how to find
  2. how to use

B: Get a feel for students projects; challenge them to take projects to the next level

CAT 6 Problem Recognition Tasks

Students: Take notes

S: Overview of all statistics learned; Review for test

B: Re-explain all expectations for the final project

*Test Day*

S: Statistics Test

B: Students work with data and ask questions
Week 6

*Lab Day*

Work on collection day

Students: should be analyzing data, identifying insects

*Lab Day*

Work on collection day

Students: should making conclusions from data

*Lab Day*

Conclude Project, will present tomorrow

Presentation Day!

Presentation Day 2!