April 28, 2006

Dear Parent,

Please carefully read the information in this packet that describes your child's research project in our study of the NBA front office. I believe this project represents a wonderful and valuable learning opportunity for your child. I realize it is a lot of information to read but I believe it is very important that you understand all aspects of the project so that your child will meet with the highest level of success. The NBA front office unit requires self-discipline and hard work. Please check on your child's progress from time to time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (school phone: 555-5555, E-mail: 555mail@mail.com).

The research project will require a substantial amount of out-of-class time, therefore, careful consideration should be given before students with busy extracurricular schedules choose such projects. A substantial amount of class time will be devoted to this project to offset the out of class time demands. This class time can be used by students to work on the project or to do work for other classes in order to free up after school time for project research. Students will be required to purchase a bound notebook for the project for approximately two dollars each.

Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter and the following pages. Please give particular attention to the discussion of project partners and to the project due date sheet. Thank you for your time and interest.


Sheila Ogden

Anthony Rubio

Brian Youn

(please detach and return by your child)

I have read and understand the requirements of my child's NBA Algebra Project. ________________________________
Parent Signature

Child's name: _________________________
(please print)