Roller Coaster

by Curt Wyman


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





Curt Wyman


April 29, 2005


Roller Coaster Introduction


I.  Abstract:

           High school physics starts with the laws of motion.  This area covers about ten weeks of instruction and begins early in the school year and includes widely divergent concepts that include  velocity, acceleration, weight, friction, Newton’s 2nd Law (F=ma), potential energy, kinetic energy, conservation of energy, momentum, and Newton’s 3rd Law (inertia).

A roller coaster project provides a good platform to bring all of these concepts together.  The material can be covered in the normal manner but with all of the illustrative examples involving roller coasters.  In addition, the students can be assigned to build a small scale roller coaster either physically or with a software model in order to give them hands on experience with the application of the laws of motion.

Our proposal is to assign a physical model to be built to the specifications of  Paramount Great America Physics Day competition.  They have a well defined project format for a physically small model that is convenient for storage and transport.  A school wide competition will be held among the schools three physics classes and one team would be selected to travel to California for the Physics Day competition.

Support is required for construction materials and for travel expenses for the winning team.  The materials for the roller coasters are basic and much of it can be built with standard art supplies.  However, the tracks and cars require precision and must be purchased from a building supply company.  We estimate a cost of $100 per project and eighteen projects for the three classes or $1800 plus $800 to go toward travel expenses for the winning team to go to California for the Paramount Great America Physics Day competition.


2.  Description:  Students will build a model roller coaster that will  be fit into a space just 75cm long x 75 cm wide x 100 cm high.  It will be a gravity only model – no motors or magnets.   The “cars” will be marbles or ball bearings and the tracks will be plastic tubes that have been cut so that they are open on the top so that the ball can fall off if the design is faulty.  The degree of “open-ness” of the track is a factor in the grading.

         The project will start during the first six-week grading period and will conclude in the third six-week period.  One class period per week will be used for roller coaster design and construction.  It is expected that the students will supplement this with additional time outside of class, especially toward the end of the project.

 The models with be judged based on the Paramount criteria: Technical features – loops, hills, workmanship, and innovation, Theme – creativity and marketability, and perceived rider enjoyment.  The student teams will also be graded on their technical explanation of the ride using the laws of motion.  For example, how the potential energy at the beginning of the ride is calculated and how it translates into velocity and gravitational forces that contribute so much to the excitement of the ride.


3.  Focus Question:  What makes a roller coaster exciting and how would you design a roller coaster to maximize the excitement?     How would you test the design with a scale model?  You would need to first define the features of the roller coaster in terms of the physical laws of motion, acceleration, velocity, energy, etc.  Then rate the various features as to their excitement content.   This will give you a good foundation for your design. 



4.  Overall Goals of the project:

In this project, students will design and build a model roller coaster.   A roller coaster makes a great vehicle for studying the laws of motion.  Building a model that will be judged on the basis of perceived excitement will give the students hands-on experience with the laws of motion and enable them to get a thorough understanding of how they behave.  Specifically, here are the goals of the project:

  1. Develop a deep understanding of the laws of motion and conservation of energy.
  2. Construct a strong knowledge of vector analysis and free body diagrams.
  3. Learn how to complete a long project by breaking it down into component parts and applying appropriate problem solving techniques to each subsection.
  4. Build a working model of a roller coaster to the specifications of the Paramount Roller Coaster contest.
  5. Write a paper describing how the laws of motion are applied in the specific model.
  6. Make a presentation summarizing the paper.




5.  Rationale:   Imagine you are in a roller coaster just starting down the highest, very steep hill.  As you begin the decent, you release a tennis ball that you brought with you.  As you fall, you are almost weightless, and you watch the tennis ball magically float in front of you as it slowly moves toward the back and floor of the car. 

High school Physics is often viewed as a disconnected jumble of complex ideas.  Students can be intimidated and overwhelmed with the wide range of concepts that need to be covered to meet the Texas TEKS.  A bad experience in high school physics can cause students to back away from technical majors in college.   This problem causes American high tech companies to have to rely on graduates from non-US universities in order to meet their engineering staffing requirements.  

The laws of motion are a good example of the complexity of physics concepts.   Many students come into physics thinking that heavier objects will fall faster than lighter objects.  They cannot connect the speed that a ball will develop rolling down a ramp with the potential energy that the ball had at the top of the ramp.  A roller coaster integrates virtually all of the laws of motion into a cohesive system that can be understood as a single model.

Imagine the enthusiasm and confidence that come from the ability to explain the floating tennis ball to your friends.  The completion of a successful model creates will foster an appreciation for the application of technical concepts.   Students will be more likely to pursue technical degrees in college. 

We will be tracking seniors’ college plans in the future as described in the Description section. 



6.  Background:


A roller coaster is a carnival ride in a car that starts at a high point on a track and ends somewhat later at a lower point with lots of twists, turns, ups, downs, and maybe loops in between.  The car does not get any additional energy after it is pulled up to the top of the hill by a motor.  All of the motion comes from the conversion of the initial potential energy of the car into kinetic energy and velocity as the car goes around the track. 


There are three key excitement features to a roller coaster:  Free fall, acceleration, and inversion.


The primary cause for excitement of the ride is acceleration.  Velocity is boring.  As Galileo taught us, and Einstein and Newton re-affirmed, you cannot feel a constant velocity.  As Newton’s First Law states, an object at rest or in motion, does not change unless acted on by an unbalanced force.  Acceleration causes force, F=ma.  You can feel and even measure acceleration as you ride a roller coaster or any other vehicle.


So the parts of the roller coaster that are the most exciting are the parts that have the most acceleration.


We have linear acceleration downward due to the acceleration of gravity.  The free fall of the car at the top of the first hill produces an almost weightless  condition that is very exciting.  The deceleration at the bottom of the hill as riders are pushed down into their seats is also thrilling.


Another key thrill factor in the roller coaster is angular acceleration that is felt when the car makes sharp turns.  The riders’ bodies try to continue in a straight line and are pushed hard into the side of the car as it turns sharply.  Angular acceleration is a function of the radius of the turn and the tangential velocity.  The harder the push into the side of the car, or into the person next to you, the higher the excitement.


The third thrill feature is inversion – going upside down when the roller coaster car goes through a loop.   During this action, the riders are dis-oriented by being upside down, and at the same time, they again approach weightlessness as the angular acceleration pushing them “up” into their seats is almost canceled by the force from gravity pulling them “down.” 


So with a roller coaster, we have a great example to give the students examples of the key concepts of physical motion that they can see and feel. 


We also have the integration of the various aspects of motion that determine if the roller coaster will stay on the track, make it up the next hill, how fast it will go, and whether or not it will make it around the track.


The key element is the conservation of energy back and forth between Potential and Kinetic energy throughout the ride.  The translation from the initial potential energy to kinetic energy as the roller coaster accelerates down the track, and decelerates up the next hill.


One of the main analytical tools that we will learn to use is the Free Body Diagram.  Using this vector analysis technique will enable students to resolve the various forces that are acting on the roller coaster at any given point in time and determine the level of excitement.  This will involve trigonometric translations of the forces into their x and y components.  We will review this area for the students and they will get plenty of practice with it during the project.  They will have a deep understanding of this fundamental concept by the end of the project.



7.  Standards Addressed:


TEKS addressed:


4.  The student knows the laws governing motion. The student is expected to be able to: 

(A) generate and interpret graphs describing motion including the use of real-time technology;


 (B) analyze examples of uniform and accelerated motion including linear, projectile, and circular;


 (C) demonstrate the effects of forces on the motion of objects;


Snapshot 4 (A)

Generate and interpret graphs of velocity/time, position/time.


 Snapshot 4 (B)

 Design and illustrate an amusement park ride featuring accelerated motion. Justify the safety and thrill components.


 Snapshot 4 (C)

 Design and conduct demonstrations illustrating Newton's laws of motion, such as rolling motion from roller blade wheels, pulling a tablecloth out from under dishes on a table, and the stopping distance of a car.


 Snapshot 4 (D)

Draw a free-body diagram for an everyday situation such as the raising of a flag. Identify the forces present and describe their effects on the motion of the object.


 Snapshot 4 (E)

             Describe and illustrate the motion of a ball rolled across a merry-go-round from two frames of reference: on the merry-go-round and off the merry-go-round.



8.  Assessment:

Formative Assessment:  Formative assessment will consist mainly of asking good verbal questions in a logical sequence that will enable the students to construct their own understanding of the topic at hand.


The questioning process will be utilized during labs, classwork, and discussion periods.  The time when it is most effective is when a student comes to the teacher with a question. 


The questioning strategy that will be used will be patterned after the strategy presented by Penick, Crow and Bonnstatter in their article, “Questions are the Answer,” that was published in the January, 1996 issue of The Science Teacher.” 


Here are the key elements of the strategy:


Which questions to ask?

When to ask them?

What order to ask them in?

Where to begin questioning?

How one question easily leads to another?

Where the questions are leading?


Clear, non-threatening questions.


Teaching strategy must insure that student can answer the first pivotal question.


One possible logical order for categories of questions: 




History              - Getting Students to talk is always one of your goals.  What did they do, see?

Relationships    - Seeking patterns and relationships

Applications     - Applying knowledge is a true test of understanding.

Speculation      - Constants, variables and evidence.

Explanation      -  Hardest task in science:  Communicate an idea to clarify the nature of

                                the phenomenon and how it occurs.



Avoid the ultimate and threatening “WHY” questions.


Teaching goal:  To help students develop new, more accurate conceptions to replace their old ones.


Develop:  Create an environment where a concept is available for exploration, analysis and consideration.


Language precedes logic.  As individuals learn to verbalize about a phenomenon, they build logical structures and ways of thinking about it.


Students copy your behavior.


Demonstrate a logical problem solving process.




Summative Assessment:  The summmative assessment of the students work on this project consists of the grade plan for the six weeks.  The grades during this period will be equally weighted between the standard classroom activities like homework and tests and the project activities like the milestone completions, the performance of the final model and the presentation of the final paper.




Grade Plan






Possible points


Daily homework


Every day except Friday

Weekly tests


Every week except the last week

Classroom participation


Every day

6 week test


Last week







Weekly Project milestones



Final project performance



Final project report & presentation








